eXecutors vs sKy.eSports Clan (4000 views)

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CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Third League
Playoffs - Quarter Finals
02.06.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mitja (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2979
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


what am i doing there
dunno bro, autofill, saw u in team so
hf.. lol lineup exe and playing in last league, gg.
blame the admins
trying so hard
yeah, sorry for placing a team who rated themselves 3/10 in 3rd league
gl sky-e :D <3
da amazing kauby <3
thaaat ers guy! :D <3
Ich spiel vermutlich garnich mit ^^
bekommen sowieso auffen sack von diesen leute die angeblich zu schlecht für die 2liga sind
so unfair uns gegenüber.. naja egal..
kauby : Ich spiel vermutlich garnich mit ^^
Tjoahr :'(
Würd ja gern aber geht halt nicht ^^
gl symbol :* and kauby :)
gl sky-e beat the tryhards <3
danke sir.. gl too..
What is exe doing ing 3rd league?
Anyway gl Sky-e.

Eyes on Kauby, gl!
gl arma
gl dickface
puttuuuuuuuuu :D hf bro
sup dude are u clean now or still taking et drugs?
Apparently he is allowed to play CB offis again.
For now, it SEEMS he is clean.
u sure he is clean and not taking some LSD or something?
are you on LSD right now?
nope just got up bro.
gl sky-e
WE WILL LOOSE, DONT BET ON US CMON .................

guy u r funny hhhh.. not!
You have € 10 on .eXe
Possible win: € 10.4

Just trying to get some money for eat..

(all in)
You have € 10047 on .eXe
Possible win: € 10147.47
2 eazy 4 INGOLF!
Well played Sky-e.
'Unlucky' :(