#sticked.et vs Brotherhood of Wolf (3736 views)

fr Skynet
fr Provok
fr kEEJi
fr AnTho
fr invi
fr yokoo
cz Rifleman
pl Blender Termoak
pl Zniwiarz PL
pl Dolar
pl NoobyGirl

CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Second League
Playoffs - Quarter Finals
02.06.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: TheNoobyGirl (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5093
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


An7ho mate? gl :)
not the same
Yes, I told with An7ho :D
AnTho > An7ho :p
gl sticked !!! hf both
gl noobish gerl
no chce wierzyc w ten gl, bo bez niego bedzie ciezko :D
on va voir si le lourd train sur le life paye sky :) hf les gars
Après avoir jouer les maps du seigneur des anneaux plus rien ne peut m'arriver!
:DD minastirit! Donc c'était invi le vilain amora :o
gl Naughty ;)

why no stream :( ?
no lowsia poprosze , zeby nastepnym razem pogadal jakies glupoty , aczkolwiek znajac proskilla skonczy sie na obserwacji i komentowaniu moich faili , a nie wydaje mi sie by to bylo meritum xD
gg, gl for next matches
MY GOD watta match :D was hard&funny :) thx gg
the engi who planted the last barrier on bremen is so lucky :D I threw a nade on his head, it exploded and still planted the dyna AFTER the death in console, dafuq :(
i had lags from gold and all b3 so.. i feel free to say that this luck was my payback time for all those lagZzZzz :D but yes it was lucky plant :D
Now you have to win this OC then we can say we lost to the winners :P
we will try :D thanks mate :)
could you add scores
I dont think so, this match was only about one plant :D Your team had a lot of luck @ 1st barrier too man.
sticked and luck doesn't match, it's written in the Bible xD
Win by luck or win without luck? History doesnt ask man. There are only winners and loosers ;) How people in your country say: Tel aviv!
Antho et Rom vous me faites honte!

FOCKING LOWS ... :'(-<O<
Total Capital 372.57 €

Tu t'en remettras ^^
Dolfy 88 kills gg
I see what you did there