greejtsjot vs Echelon (3650 views)

be Azur
be ViKO
at DrLagAlot
pl dialer
pl Elviss
pl w1lko

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
08.06.13 17:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Azur (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ufo_final
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Total Pot: € 1949
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


235th offi in 114 days, somebody call a doctor please
Where can you see this ?:D
if they were playing this hard in like ~2007 nobody would even think to call them weird :C
yes because playing et back then wasn't as pointless as it is now
What's the difference?
ET is Dead
e: but still fun, so whatever if ppl play hunderds of games...
don't ask me, ive been playing et for few months
You can have as much fun now as in 2006-07. The game didn't change, so your comment is totally useless
yes, because having fun is pointless
playing 3on3 hard has always been pointless :P

people did it in 2007 coz they enjoyed it, these guys do it now coz they enjoy it
cba to write here some essays because you do know very well what's the difference of pracing hard now and pracing hard 5-6 years ago.

also i dont have any chances to win vs you a battle about "how et is dead" so I give up at this point mate :-)
i know that et is dead, i accepted it some time ago. that doesn't mean people should stop playing :P

sure there was more to "play for" in ET's peak times (pre-2008?) but the enjoyment people find is relative. so yeah i know the difference very well.
When exactly is "some time ago"?
probably some time during 2012 (not saying et died in 2012, i just accepted it at this point)
Haven't you been saying since forever that "ET is not dead, it's just somethingsomethingsomething"? :P
I always had that idea of: how can a game be dead if people still play it.

but realistically, looking at some current titles (LoL, SC2 etc) - ET was born dead. :D
it is sad to read though, that even you gave up :(
You're still going to support the game as much as you can though, right?
no shit, I enjoy it.

e: I even played the last 2 rtcw cups and would help out there if any admins were needed. a game doesn't need thousands or even hundreds of competitive teams to deserve support. only people who genuinely enjoy it :)
Love you <3
e: I love you even more
slurp slurp
WTF you want some too??
slurp slurp
Go to bed faggot nerd
eSports wasnt ready to grow back then.

lets all just re release ET and make it this whole big thing
What else people like them could do besides play ET?
gl azur, viko
i przejebałem :/. Dialer to nie wiedzial chyba za bardzo o co chodzi w tej mapie.
nie pamietam juz ufo gralem ostatni raz w rtcw a w et nigdy wiec sie zapomnialo :D
You have € 10 on v56
You won € 130.8

Oh fock, for once I win some money ... :D!
wp Elviss, everyone is too stronk for u now, as everyone knows your gamestyle..:(
fuckin dumbfucks flaming each other for playing et
go suck a dick
if u love the game, play it as much as u want
u the man ipod, u the man
ipod president