Gambit Gaming vs Evil Geniuses (3406 views)

ru Darien
ru Diamondprox
ru Alex_Ich
ru Genja
ru D4rker
dk Wickd
gb Snoopeh
dk Froggen
de Yellowpete
be Krepo

Riot League Championship
Week 1 - Season 3

Hosted by


no edward no win
you know who their 5th is?
dat was edward maar die speelt nu in amerika , geen idee of ze zelf al een 5de hebben
Izi for EG
You have € 2 on eu EG
You won € 9.14

You have € 1000 on GG
You lost
You have € 1500 on GG
You lost
You have € 50 on EG
You won € 228.5

izi cash