Echelon vs kettutytot (2587 views)

pl Elviss
pl deryl
fi Webe
fi lEku
15.06.13 10:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 2on2 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Andrej3 (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 250
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


Elviss did u put ur alarm clock to 07am to prac for offi's
i think he did xd
haha i think its true xd
some people shouldnt call others a nerd :)
you wont see me playing at 10:45 am on a saturday morning xd
ur playing 50 offi's in 12 days, so dont talk fucking nerd
It was 06am, checking if leanbutton still works
i heard he bought a lot of leanbuttons with the 50euros he won last time just to be sure he could lean no matter what, do you think it's true?
Jup, without any doubts.
azur calling other people nerds??? l0l
i'd like to see where i called him a "nerd" :S those polaks dont know how to read loel
been drinking whole night so don't even see what is written
hardcore polak was partying hard`?
polaks playing bad or making mistakes?? easy way out: pretend you're drunk or high :S
azur playing bad or making mistakes?? (isnt it all the time, but whatever) easy way out: prac even more and play 20 cb 3o3 offis every day instead of just 10 :S
i definitely would if i could man :S
ey buddy, that guy above u just said that u r playing bad :S is this right män?
get face and muscles skinny nerd :S saw ur picture bro
this is just too funny coming from 12yo skinny chicken arms nigger
top lel
sure man im 12 hahaha and nice defending fanatic, are u his buttbody?
i dont even know this faggot lol
MA NIGGA !!! Lol
People talking about others looks when they are too afraid to post themselves, so classic.. thanks for the belly laugh
Guys Guys Calm down :D!