Team-uSELESS vs sEKTOR (5806 views)

at Annalia
at zastaR
li nAimM
be N1ck_V
be Nylon
be JaBBa
21.02.08 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: De7leeeee:F (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 3569
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: X-Radius (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


i am so fast and again i am the 1st!
nubs vs bigger nubs
so who are u?
I am your father! and of course your fan! <3
Not really that fast

Added event De7leeeee:F 14.02 22:22

ceki Friday, 15th February 2008 05:16

Nearly 7hrs late actually!
I know andy... I am just kidding!
i want line ups ! :o

sektor line up :

(i guess)
CB ET Europe 3v3 Ladder
i know my friend but i don't know who's playing so i just say every name that could play for sEKTOR... :D


Moste likely 3 of these 5
looool , why did they request coverage , now everyone will know I suck :<
i allready know it and it's true :o
reply skillz
yes indeed !
i'm nub in everything but i still pwn u at ET :x
uSELESS prolly:

li/de nAimM
at Annalia
mc zastaR
why no keita? :x

no keita, no win imo !
Doesnt play 3o3 , he is focusing on rifle
aah i see. he has to train alot because his rifle skill isn't good :x
No , its very good , but he isnt used to SMG anymore ^^
haha :)

btw; let's play an 3v3 against eachother ! :D
LoL ?
my money on sEKTOR :D
en ik dan nickje?!?!?! :<
lol s1xtus = instant loss
nietus ik ben med/+!
sorry :S :'(

Too easy for useless , Keita and CaesR = Low
Look at line-up , do you see keita in it ?

And we are still deciding who will actually play

More about keita , he might be sucky at smg lately , only because he is rifling
Keita aka analog always sucked.

lol AnaLoG was long time ago with olg PC ;) Now i have New Pc New skill :p tu ma j'amais vu joué en plus rebel et tu parle mdr!!!! la derniere fois que tu ma vu joué c'es ya 3 mois? :p jpari que t un no life :p meme Rival le dit que t un pomé en vrais! :p
Lol more lèche ac rival stp ^^

Au fait, tu sux , ton clan est low- , c'pas grave t'sais =]
Mais evidament ;) evidament!!! rebel!!! ta raison croi se que tu veux ;) j'en ai rien a foutre de ta vie de NO LIFE ;) ta que ET dans ta vie -_-
On verra l'issue du match demain.

A+ :)
tu c'es si on perd c'es normal c'es un match ETTV ... et on joue pour le fun et si tu trouve que on est low garde le pour toi et ferme ta grosse gueul et laisse nous joué tu veux bien?
I always love to see players judging a clan before they saw them in action

Oh wait , I found those people retarded ...
lol Rebell1on u hate me, thats the reason that u are writing that we are low but if im low u are pokemon? :p omg u said u are med but i have information about ur clan and ur clan is low+ max ;-)
Do you even know my team ;) ?

Revolution is low+ indeed , but it's not my main team.

I'm currently trial for re-play , alors tg ;]
i Never see your team because u don't have one!!! aha

mdr Trial for re-play :p tu va jamais te faire acepté mdr
hey, be nice to rebell1ion he is indeed running trial for re-play beta team.
and we care why?
U shouldnt, but no need to bash @ him randomly?
Isnt randomly , but ok
j'en ai une plus grosse que vous deux réunis alors stop
i lolled
you begged revo to get back in the team and now you say its not your main team XD
you dont even know you want man
you said 2.55 sucks and 1 day later you played it XD
you said Aim-gaming sucks and still you came back crawling like a lil bug

you get respect by kissing peoples asses or sucking it and it wouldnt surprise me if you would do it in real life too..
thats from ceasR for REbel the noob :p
i lolled
you begged revo to get back in the team and now you say its not your main team XD
you dont even know you want man
you said 2.55 sucks and 1 day later you played it XD
you said Aim-gaming sucks and still you came back crawling like a lil bug

you get respect by kissing peoples asses or sucking it and it wouldnt surprise me if you would do it in real life too..
sEKTOR ... :S omg !
this is great comedy.
rofl mao
Low/+ @ ettv.
Where is this going to...
tg fdp!
omfg sektor
and why can NickV play with a pbban?
Because I dont have cbban and never cheated ?

I explained it a lot and only those we dont like me wouldnt believe me ...
thats maybe because all cheaters who got busted say it wasnt cheating,..
Why would all those people believe me then ?

Really , I feel like I explained it a 100 times...

Everyone keeps on calling me low+ max , but now they are suddenly suggesting I cheat

Make sens doesnt it ?
gl JaBBa :D
gl jabba hf :D
gl sektor
lower games @ ETTV
GL N1ck!!!
5vs3 easy bash4sEKTOR.
izi for sEKTOR
ET is dead...why where matches like this broadcasted? :((
fu qw and cod 4 ^^ <--without you we would might see dignitas or TLR or smth. ... but just low+ vs low :(((
Fresse alter wenns dich nicht interessiert Dan gusch
cmon nick_v fcourse smap these faggs :D
I will do my best , just hope its enough :P
I think Team-uSELESS won this
jaBBa ftw <3
Side allowed in 3o3? because uSELESS use it
lol its allowed idiot -.- read rules..
It's only a question :]
Very Nice Match
gg uSELESS ;)
2easy4useless , thanks for the money :DDDDDDDD
Did you even watch the game or are you just arrogant ?
I won my money , why the fuck would i spec every matches i bet on ?

Especially low/+ skilled ETTV , LoL

If you didnt watch it its arrogant to say it ^^

Let me care.
More arrogance plz , you're making yourself popular!
Jabba and Boetn are pretty good others suck
ans => N1 3busted players (even without nick_v they still have 2 busted players
Heretic more noobing plz -_- NyLoN pwnd you
Nice , they have been kicked for weeks moron
great research the other 2 players arent in the clan..

rebel we dont care what you think we will win vs revo..
I already won 4-0 EASILY in 3o3 vs BooYa and Fusion 3 days ago ... You're just as easy.
lol Rebell1on so low they aren't in clan you little frenchie

PS : les francais aretté putain ji croi que pas il sont tous les meme tous des con/whineurs/low+ max/grande gueul .... fermé la un peu -_-
Au fait , j'suis dans plusieurs teams :'D

Btw , je préfererais être cless que être chez sEKTOR :))