Ninjas in Pyjamas vs MeetYourMakers (3024 views)

dk Godbro
dk Svenskeren
dk Bjergsen
dk Thetess
dk Deficio
pl Kubon
pl Mokatte
pl Czaru
pl Makler
pl Libik

Riot League Championship
Week 3 - Season 3

Hosted by


izi 4 Bjergsen
your mom is izi
your dad is izi after a few beers
he's sexy and u know it :)
izi for mym
NiP playing with another lineup
Can you provide it?
can't see any changes in roster (yet)
have you tried the internet?

The new NiP.LoL - Lineup:
Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg - Mid Lane
Martin "Deficio" Lynge - Support
Vytautas "extinkt" Melinauskas - Top Lane
Aleš "Freeze" Kněžínek - AD Carry
Tobias "Malunoo" Magnusson - Jungler

Dan Van "NeeGodbro" Vo - Sub
Kasper "TheTess" Poulsen - Sub
Dennis "Svenskeren" Johnsen - Sub
Czaru beast