France vs Switzerland (7491 views)

fr Eht
fr milit
fr kaz
fr maxuh
fr fra
fr Yann
Not Announced
Group A
CB Match Link
20.02.08 20:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth FRAmaxuh 30 kills
Killing Spree FRAMILIT 7 frags without being killed
Accountant FRAmaxuh 136% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! FRAYANN 13 gibs
...and stay dead! FRAYANN 57% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning FRAmaxuh 26 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! <+/ giftR 15 SPAM kills
Fragstealer <+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD 113 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! FRAdouille 337 damage per frag
What objective? FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL! 164 XP
Red Shirt <+/ giftR 32 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? <+/ Alious pingous 8 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore <+/ ReavEr 165 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut <+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD 2 team kills
Gingerbread man <+/ maluS OLO 6 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL!10016422218103384430492120/00/418/104/517513943
<+/ giftR781122532802536152729570/111/11/1915/81458536
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD8913124268123276437481290/02/223/141/811513923
<+/ ReavEr7010016237015254937091800/00/216/141/415916125
<+/ Rapt6rr819422274024315938412290/02/119/203/314414225
<+/ Alious pingous411181227321526544021610/00/212/151/522113928
<+/ maluS OLO4610911244016293535971690/01/27/134/526715026
<+/ 6866411015934392817676216458250/016/278/1325/517513626
Player Summary for braundorf_b4
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
<+/ giftR90571011501113621416410/14/00/57/6DKDDKDXKDDKDKTKKDK/KDDKX
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD62385850005491168360/00/05/50/3DDKDKDDDKKDKD
<+/ ReavEr57324710117391212460/00/05/60/1DDD/DKDTKKKDX
<+/ Rapt6rr6632692011102813761250/01/05/61/2DKDKDDK/KDDKDTKD
<+/ Alious pingous805145211010561325430/00/14/41/1DTKDDKXKDDKS
<+/ maluS OLO375738201188111341150/00/02/52/3DDDKD/KXDDDKT
<+/ 65267324817154561576314060/15/121/3111/16

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL!1254354200010128661300/00/24/21/0DKDDKDKKK
<+/ giftR100359900121416859160/07/00/53/2DTKKDKDKKK/KDKKD/DD
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD100367711121016976830/01/27/20/2KDKKDKX/DK/KDDTKS
<+/ ReavEr1002055200154189100/00/05/40/1DKDKK/KDDKX
<+/ Rapt6rr6623690012905944640/00/05/72/0KDKKD/KKDTKDDDD/
<+/ Alious pingous62385810038091139180/00/05/30/2DKK/KDK/D/KDD
<+/ maluS OLO4217372003728921540/00/12/41/0KXDK/K/D/DD
<+/ 78169354561313541557302350/08/324/256/7
Player Summary for frostbite
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL!505124000174460300/00/02/20/1D/KDKD
<+/ giftR1252054300083745400/00/00/45/0KDKKDKKDD
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD10017662010650889100/00/06/51/1DKKDTDKDKDKDK
<+/ ReavEr12537542001914752580/00/04/31/0KKDKK/DKD
<+/ Rapt6rr15018641000727730400/01/15/40/0KDKXKDKDKKD
<+/ Alious pingous401425000046872600/00/02/40/1KDKDDDD
<+/ maluS OLO501424000171684200/00/12/00/2D/DKDK
<+/ 9812026278012431243931080/01/219/207/4

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL!175417430011138418640/00/16/21/0KK/KDKKKDKD
<+/ giftR1201800020000/00/11/50/0/D/DKDDDD
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD1204065000154971500/01/05/20/2DKK/KDKKDKD
<+/ ReavEr2811272002355854760/00/22/10/2KD/DK/DDD
<+/ Rapt6rr802145100149979100/00/04/30/1D/KDKKKDD
<+/ Alious pingous111519010232183100/00/11/40/1DSD//DKDDD
<+/ maluS OLO602135000161070000/01/01/41/0KD/DKDKD
<+/ 521081739310923343891760/02/414/191/6

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
<+/ Alious pingous [11:58]: start match
[11:56]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
emorej@vip [11:56]: putain
<+/ Rapt6rr [11:56]: hahah
FRAdouille [11:56]: fireteam :DDDDDDDDD
<+/ Rapt6rr [11:56]: tu kiffes?
emorej@vip [11:56]: ftg
[11:56]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
<+/ maluS OLO [11:56]: :o
[NC]CriTiK. [11:56]: Stop.
[11:56]: <+/ Rapt6rrcalled a vote.
[11:56]: Vote cancelled
[11:56]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
FRAMILIT [11:56]: :c
[NC]CriTiK. [11:56]: 40min de retard.
<+/ Rapt6rr [11:56]: bad spawntime comon
FRAdouille [11:56]: c:
FRAMILIT [11:56]: :c
[11:56]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
<+/ giftR [11:56]: ce n'est pas mon fault
<+/ Rapt6rr [11:56]: ma
[11:56]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
<+/ maluS OLO [11:56]: my mother whine coz i dont go eat :x
<+/ maluS OLO [11:56]: :D
[NC]CriTiK. [11:56]: Pourquoi la pause ?
<+/ Alious pingous [11:56]: le vent
<+/ Alious pingous [11:56]: a des probs
<+/ giftR [11:56]: je pense que la mere du rap a quelque chose tres bienne
[11:56]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
FRAdouille [11:56]: Need le num de la maman de rap alors
[11:56]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
[NC]CriTiK. [11:56]: souffle (blague apart)
<+/ ReavEr [11:56]: salut les muse, sauf douille, aniki, acta, devil
[11:56]: emorej@vip disconnected
[11:56]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
FRAdouille [11:56]: stfu reaver
<+/ ReavEr [11:56]: =))
<+/ giftR [11:56]: frites <o/
NV.Killerd@rk [11:56]: kikou Acta =)
FRAdouille [11:56]: bon ok il revient pas
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [11:56]: BON
<+/ giftR [11:56]: emorej \o>
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [11:56]: ON UNPAUSE
FRAdouille [11:56]: on est 5
[11:56]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [11:56]: np4me
[11:56]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
[NC]CriTiK. [11:56]: Vous jouez à 5 douille ?
FRAdouille [11:56]: 2 sec
[11:56]: <+/ Alious pingsuxcalled a vote.
[11:56]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
[11:56]: *** Match Reset! ***
[11:56]: Vote passed!
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: ON SE DEPECHE LA !
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: DANS 2 MIN
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: les delai sont passez
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: forfeit?
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: Les delais étais passé pour vous aussi la suisse.
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: no!
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: non
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: seulement les francais
FRAMILIT [Warmup]: rofl ?
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: on as tj 40 min d'avance
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: Sauf que c'étais un match forced... tu n'es en aucun cas en position de switché un match forced :)
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: Surtout avec une wildcard déja utilisé.
<+/ Rapt6rr [Warmup]: h3h
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: La france ? 6e joueur ou pas ?
FRAdouille [Warmup]: dunno :/
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: critik
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: Oui ?
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: on a parler a l'admin
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: avant la game
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: a 17h00
FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL! [Warmup]: vien jouer critik
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: J'ai parlé avec aussi.
NV.Killerd@rk [Warmup]: critik shoutcaster plz
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: ok
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: fashion smiley, bURN
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: il a dit que si les 2 equipe etait daccord sur une autre date
FRAYANN [Warmup]: le serv a eteait reboot ?
NV.Killerd@rk [Warmup]: thx
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: il ny avais pas de prob
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: Exact
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: GuNnEr ... apparament se n'est plus le cas
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: vu que la france se retrouve a 5 la .
<+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD [Warmup]: ben cest de la mrd
FRAdouille [Warmup]: ok freek est là
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: ok.
<+/ ReavEr [Warmup]: salut senvelt!
FRAdouille [Warmup]: salut senvelt !
FRAdouille [Warmup]: salut Zorn !
FRAdouille [Warmup]: salut class !
FRAdouille [Warmup]: salut Elsen !
<+/ ReavEr [Warmup]: salut Zorn!
FRAdouille [Warmup]: salut Yakoosa !
FRAMILIT [Warmup]: salut emoraie !
<+/ ReavEr [Warmup]: oui salut alexandre et christopher!
<+/ Rapt6rr [Warmup]: hurry
FRAYANN [Warmup]: salut sinus bruce karnaj keeji cya drag ztech jupit derso cowa etc...
<+/ Rapt6rr [Warmup]: on a deja assez atendu :/
<+/ ReavEr [Warmup]: yann, you got kicked...
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: douille il arrive ?
FRAdouille [Warmup]: yap
FRAdouille [Warmup]: lui ai filé l'ip
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: u said that 4 mins ago already :-O
<+/ Alious pingous [Warmup]: ou est votre last?
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: il arrive.
<+/ Alious pingous [Warmup]: super
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: go
NV.Killerd@rk [Warmup]: go plz
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: Pret ?
<+/ Rapt6rr [Warmup]: <3 arrow
<+/ ReavEr [Warmup]: jaruuuuuuul
<+/ maluS OLO [Countdown]: hf
[NC]CriTiK. [Countdown]: GL and HF
FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL! [11:58]: shout to smurf,anim,kardon,zomec,bliss,ouch,jay,fra and so on
[9:47]: Allies capture the factory district!
[9:28]: The side gate has been built!
[9:22]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:58]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[8:43]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
[8:33]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:30]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
FRAdouille [8:22]: wh !
[8:06]: The side gate has been destroyed!
FRAdouille [7:34]: :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
FRAdouille [7:22]: se,
FRAEMBO [7:04]: fu basile
[7:00]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:00]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:00]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:00]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:00]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:00]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
<+/ maluS OLO [6:56]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 5:04
[NC]CriTiK. [Intermission]: gg
[NC]CriTiK. [2:28]: Field Ops.
[NC]CriTiK. [2:28]: Engineer.Rifle
[NC]CriTiK. [2:27]: Field Ops.
[2:16]: Allies capture the factory district!
[1:46]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[1:46]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[1:46]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[1:46]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[1:46]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[1:46]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
FRAEMBO [1:43]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 3:23 (original: 5:04)
FRAdouille [Intermission]: gg :D
<+/ Rapt6rr [Intermission]: CHAATTTE
<+/ Alious pingous [Intermission]: gg
[NC]CriTiK. [Intermission]: gg
FRAdouille [Warmup]: sponsored by #minablitude
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: rup
FRAEMBO [Warmup]: OLO basile
FRAdouille [Warmup]: OLO basile
FRAEMBO [Warmup]: :-]
<+/ ReavEr [Warmup]: OLOm:DD:D:
[NC]CriTiK. [Countdown]: GL & HF
[9:09]: Storage Wall destroyed!
[9:07]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:04]: The Main Door has been breached!
[8:24]: The Service Door has been breached!
<+/ giftR [7:10]: gg
<+/ ReavEr [7:09]: gg
[6:58]: The Allies have transmitted the Supply Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 3:02
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: gg
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: Shoutout: Team uGaming - M@X + NozzZ - Belgians Players
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: rup
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: allez les garcons
<+/ giftR [Warmup]: je suis en retard de mon train
FRAdouille [Warmup]: cod ?
<+/ giftR [Countdown]: oui
FRAdouille [Countdown]: noobgame :<
NV.Killerd@rk [Countdown]: :]
<+/ giftR [Countdown]: non
<+/ giftR [Countdown]: !!
[2:01]: The Main Door has been breached!
[1:34]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[1:25]: Storage Wall destroyed!
<+/ giftR [0:30]: gg
<+/ Rapt6rr [0:17]: premiere fois ever non?
FRAEMBO [0:13]: npn
<+/ giftR [0:03]: ggs
<+/ ReavEr [0:02]: gg
FRAYANN [0:00]: gg
[Intermission]: <+/ giftR disconnected
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (3:02)
[Intermission]: <+/ GuNnEr xDDDDDDD disconnected
[NC]CriTiK. [Intermission]: Bien joué a tous.
[Intermission]: FRAYANN disconnected
<+/ Rapt6rr [Intermission]: GG DOUILLE
[Intermission]: <+/ ReavEr disconnected
[Intermission]: <+/ Rapt6rr disconnected
<+/ Alious pingous [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: <+/ maluS OLO disconnected
FRAdouille [Intermission]: :(
[Intermission]: FRAKAZ SHRAPNELS LOL! disconnected
[Intermission]: <+/ Alious pingous disconnected
FRAdouille [Warmup]: GG RAPT666R
[NC]CriTiK. [Warmup]: GL pour la suite.

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.