Unbelievably Superior Extraordin vs TOTAL GAMING (1332 views)

fi hazz
fi pupup0x
fi naku
pl azpiliqueta
pl promen
pl bAstek
07.07.13 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: naku (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 110
The bets have been cancelled.

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[20:43] <bAstek> OFFI
[20:43] <bAstek> ?
[20:43] <pupup0x> sure
[20:43] <pupup0x> got server/ettv?
[20:43] <bAstek> LINK
[20:43] <pupup0x> we're in hibernation, give us link and i challenge
[20:44] <bAstek> http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=2702826
[20:44] <pupup0x> ettv ok?
[20:44] <bAstek> YE
[20:45] <pupup0x> challenged
[20:47] <bAstek> LINEUP
[20:47] <bAstek> ?
[20:47] <pupup0x> our guy is requesting ettv already
[20:47] <pupup0x> but our lineup is pupup0x naku hazz
[20:47] <bAstek> K
[20:47] <pupup0x> what's your lineup?
[20:47] <bAstek> Azpiliqueta pl bAstek pl promen pl
[20:48] <pupup0x> 20:15 is soonest gtv can give server
[20:50] <pupup0x> uhm
[20:51] <pupup0x> i dont see those 2 players in your clan?
[20:52] <bAstek> no
[20:52] <bAstek> 20 00
[20:52] <pupup0x> no can do
[20:52] <pupup0x> and do you have those players at your clan or not?
[20:52] <pupup0x> we wont play against 2 mercs
[20:52] <bAstek> u cna
[20:52] <bAstek> can
[20:52] <bAstek> omg
[20:53] <pupup0x> zomg!1lolzpl0x
[20:53] <bAstek> ok
[20:53] <bAstek> match canneled
[20:53] <bAstek> u are
[20:53] <bAstek> fucking retard
[20:53] <pupup0x> next time challenge with the players you have in your team
[20:53] <bAstek> suck my dick
[20:53] <bAstek> retard
[20:54] <pupup0x> np, i'll mark it as a noshow from you
very well pupu also bastek /!\ if u ddidnt know :)
2013 - Must have players in the team else forfeit lol go back on your trickjump server random ex cheater