turbot vs Frogz Squad (6208 views)

fi Olden
fi Swanidius
fi vokki
fi Statti
fi walle
gb razz
fr emorej
fr maxuh
fr kartez
fr An7ho
fr mouss
be xAv

CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013
Premier League
UB Round 1
14.07.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: An7ho (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
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Total Pot: € 73856
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 47


2 izi 4 Team France
be xAv team france ?! :p
lol didnt saw him xd
gl an7ho,maxuh ,karnaj:D
gl fab
avi for turbot this season
avi for frogz this season
maxuh team france XD
maxuh is a fucking beast
Moyenne d'age : 85 ans

gl frogz :P
gl both
monkey vs frog
gogo oldensan
Gl Frogz
just need to pull fr freek and fr momo out of retirement
yes freek and best french lu
actually was trying to remember fr pheex as well!
hf An7ho, karnaj 8)
gl maxuh le gars que je vois tjrs sur nbs a 3h du mat
gl fab la catin en bois
faut bien un "actif" dans la team :D
no crittie no win
gl aniki

gl kartez

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putain la team de bras cassé quand meme
il manque que toi vieux gay :D
gl frsimoon
Je vois ce que tu a fait la
hoho k4rnaj n00b13
fintards vs frenchtards+ volksdeutch

very interesting
gl les tas

HF An7ho,Maxuh aka Jose,Karnaj,Emorej
4k damage nice bug
sure a "bug" but since when is vokki good :o
you were really horrible bro wtf
maybe check that pic i posted before gg?!
you think that i look at every picture that is being posted????

well ye, m1tja would
Gingerbread man frog'xAv