Netherlands vs Poland (20629 views)

Not Announced
pl dialer
pl kot
pl krein
pl S4rna
pl wiesiek
pl Wrobel
Group D
Forfaited by Team NL
CB Match Link
28.02.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Nationscup XI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Highadmin)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 47067
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: sokl
Listen to sokl
Language: Polish
fr #NerdVibes Radio
By: Esox
Listen to Esox
Language: French
gb #Deathless-Radio
By: rApoz
Listen to rApoz
Language: Dutch
pl asd
By: author
Listen to author
Language: Polish

Total Slots: 1,600
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)
de Netbeat.Game ETTV
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


kot playng?
he played last night vs us, so i guess hes playing
NL got teh best avatar, miss a certain leaf though
GoGo team poland gl wiesiek
poland ofc
no krein no win... GL & HF
lineup ?
gl p(r)oland ;)
gl pl <3
I bet u win ^^
plOFCpl proland
Perfo Kris lightin FraC TBA TBA:)
imo m1lk Bull azatej lightin tekoa perfo
oh no. poles cant win against cheat :\
however ill bet for my country.
lol ur joking, right?

if anything more of the polish community hacks than the dutch
perfo was banned for hax by CB or am I wrong ? and was anybody from polish team banned ? Dont think so :)
polen de laggersssssssss.....

hoop dat dat nl wint..
gl.....Perfo en tekoa
gl Poland
czyli po kursie Holandia faworytem??
ofc team poland plz WINNNN !!!
hf poland gl netherlands
kurwa nie rob wsi idiotko :o
Go Team Poland Kot must played and wiesiek again Highest Fragger :)
you musts learned english
You have 50 on POL
Possible win: 110.5
ofc poland
gl kot !
easy for NED
If it aint Dutch, it aint much...
nice game nl will win tho
gl team proland. dawac dawac dawac! z chorwacja to byl przypadek ;]

You have € 35 on POL
Possible win: € 78.05

''Jeszcze Polska nie zginela''

You have € 36 on POL
Possible win: € 77.76
You have € 57 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 123.12
You have € 30 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 66
gl AzA hf doktor =]
gl nl, nice avatar :)
nice match :) the final before the final :)
too much anime spam
Plz stop posting these kids ;d
i knew AzA is a sick man, but you are too? i need now someone else to be his biggest fanboi :D
What's the matter? Too deliciously 2D for you?
You guys really need to get laid.
No thanks, you can keep your PIG DISGUSTING 3D pieces of replaceable crap to yourself.
Ok, if you want to stay virgin whole your life.
I would gladly stay a virgin until someone worthy of my attention appears.
Sad that you only like cartoons of kids that are barely 16. Way to go
And you found that one out just now, all by yourself?
I know that would have been quite surprising if you would have found it. But yes, I made that up all myself.
I didn't say anything about making something up, I believe. Also, it took you quite a while to 'make that up' considering it's common knowledge these days.
stfu both ur fucking idiots arent funny.....
en ik denken dat die loekino kon spammen :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
omfg :o
PL line-up ?
wiesiek versus teKoa.;) nice. go Proland

Am I right ?
omg man anime wankers XD
nl ftw
Cmon NL bash the lagteam!
hey! Saber is my wife!!
Don't make free with the photos of my wife!!
Don't you go around spreading false statements about MY waifu!
no wiesiek no win
no kot no win
croatia > poland
Netherland > croatia

1. Netherland
2. Croatia
3. Poland

zijn jullie 2 jongens je lkker aan het aftrekken op de plaatjes?
Poland ftw!
jak polska tego nie wygra to nie wyjdzie z grupy a polacy zawsze wychodza z grupy w nc
gl poland
Ma dylemat :P czy postawic na Polske 150 czy nie oO Hmmm? Raz sie żyje :DDDD
gl poland!
gl poland!
Die saber is best sexy lol :O)

More sexy pics requested
gl proland :)!!!!!!!!
i vote for poland avatar !!


wel moeilijk
maar denk nl...

gl perfo en tekoa..
Poland ofc =D
Ha :
gl & hf NL
You have € 449 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1261.69
gl tekoa & azatej<3
gl Poland
You have € 90 on POL
Possible win: € 244.8
Good Luck :)
gl AzAtEj
omg wtf hentai sux ^^.... NED GL !
GL Ned
afstraffe die pole
gl perfoo Dont let me lose my money :((
pak die polse pussy's NL :D
pl lineup?
4-2 Netherlands gl !
GL PL <3
All in...
You have € 468 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1198.08

Niech sie dzieje wola nieba....

GL PL :)
You have € 10 on POL
Possible win: € 25.2
win-win situation, hope I loose money though
wow nice, how about nerds stop spamming childish pics?
money on nl
imo nie wiem jak ten mecz ma sie odbyc skoro wszyscy skacowani :D:D:D JAAAPA NONEJMY XD
pokazcie na co was stac..
final before the final:)
Poland <3 FTW :D:D
more slots maybe? ...
GL Netherlands!!! I LOVE YOU!!! :u
You have € 66 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 217.14
kot nie zagra = cancel bet "D
nl wins 4 - 2
i lol...anyways...anime hotchikspwnz.,
You have € 202 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 624.18
easy money:>
HF wiesiek & teKoa GL PL & NL
You have € 146 on POL
Possible win: € 423.4

GL! Poland
teKoa deel die vieze anime gedachtes niet met ons ;D
gl tegen polen ghehe
nl for sure =]
You have € 20 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 59.8
pokarajcie ich polska!!! :)
GL & HF ofc
un bussy un bussy un bussy vol met polen huhuh!!
ofc team proland pl
this game needs more ettv slots tbh
You have € 36 on NED
Possible win: € 53.64 ;p
You have € 53 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 161.12
Elfen lied <3
Tyskie ponad wszystkie!
dokladnie! btw mieszkam w Tychach ^^ fajny jestem co nie :P
:C ide sie powiesic ^^
jo tyz mieszkom w tychach na osiedlu "R" jak rotterdam a saniol wiela lot masz
w tym roku 18 styknie :)
Netherlands use wildcard
shit no i bought some pop corn already ;p
GL POLAND... DO bojuuu Polskooooo... :XD
pl lost vs cro so easy bash for nl
killer nie blaznij sie...

GL PL! ;p
gl Polacy
en een bussie vol met pooooooooolen
if teKoa plays, ezbash for nl
wildcard NL
lol why all those cancels
ye.. nl cancel, ita cancel, hongarije cancel..
Dlaczego anulowali mecz:/
Ahahah 1hour ago there was like 7-8 matches to play and now 0 :D
80% of the NC matches gets cancelled.
your right
omg ten killer? :x
a myslalem ze bedzie fajny wieczorek patrzac jak wiesiu pobiera .. a to huja ? :<
lineup i thing so:


Wy macie te lajnapy, jak zagra Kot to logiczne ze nie bedzie Wrobla i odwrotnie.
nie widze tutaj zadnej logiki, co wiecej prawdopodobnie wlasnie obydwaj zagraja :p
to nice ;) pewnie dlatego ze wazny mecz :)
Jesli obydwaj nie zagraja to bb POLAND... ;D
Ja tu widze taka logike, ze obaj graja lojtami i z tego co bylo mowione (nie pamietam przez kogo, ale na pewno przez kogos z tp) to Kot mial byc backupem za Wrobla. Ale widac sie myle :).
a czemu doktor nie gra ? :c
nl pol live?
unscheduled why ??
my money on ned ;s
gtfo with your anime spam. 20 on NL.
50 on NL

go for them bitches
GL&HF Poland <3 :*

GL proland <3
if they are so pro why they lost against croatia?
and NL won it
I see that you are very knowledgeable about the international ET scene :XXXXXXXX Accidents happens...

Mimo wszystko sadze, ze Polacy wygraja z nederlandami ale przedupcza jak zwykle z tymi debilami niemcami.... Taka polska przypadlosc... Ale i tak dobrze chlopaki graja !
wiesek and wrobble play ?
will wiesiek and wrobble play ? ;<
i think wiesiek 4 sho but wrobel may be replaced by kot
uuuhh...what a close match imo...
this is gonna be facking close i think poland whit wiesiek+wrobel and the netherlands whit azatje and milk and tekoa
PL will win!1
Dobry skladzior!!!!!! jazda
no doktor no win !
a co to za nonamy w reprze!? :<
a co to za nonamy w reprze!? :< lol?
nom taka repra i mozna grać
GL M1LK !!! NO M1LK NO WIN !!!!!!!!
come on give ur lineup : Perfo TeKoA MilK BuLL TBA TBA?
:D HF dialer
go pl! no nl-s yes win!
You have € 557 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1515.0
wiesek u kot <3
why Doktor doesn't play ?
who knows
kot > all
ale bez doktora to nie gra :( -> bet canceled :F
Netherlands will take it!
NL xD ofcourseeeee
azat&tekoa delivered XD
No to fajnie, że kot gra :P <3
wow niezly line-up;]

kot! poland gonna get it :) yeye eazy money
izi bash PL
pls dialer, krein =/= doktor, robol
you have € 500 on pl POL
Good luck azagay =D.

PS. I read knj 34 WOWOWOOWOW.
niech wiadro zagra!:D gl dialer
more ettv slots please!
You have € 139 on pl POL
Possible win: € 328.04
Imo its a great game, will be rather close.

Need some english shoutcast... :C
You have € 40 on POL
Possible win: € 94
need more anime pics
You have € 260 on nl NED Cancel bet
Possible win: € 462.8

GO NL =)
You have € 80 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 182.4

gl ;)
You have € 72 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 163.44
nice lineup! gogo Poland !!
You have € 75 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 171.75
NL lineup?
only Poland <3 easy match Poland WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zaled nie ma hstv ;/
co znwou sie stało wildcard ?
omg :X
co jest znowu ??....odbędzie sie kiedys ten mecz?
more fake dates and last minut cancels plz
that was obvious that ned wouldnt play. all their players are at CDC...
wtf !?
"Forfaited" =)
lame, this whole nc is a fuckup with all those wildcards and forfeits ;ooooo
fuck that, how lame can it be...
No looooooool znowu anulowany mecz ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?!?!?!
bos nup :<
forfait :O
nou lekkere NC is dit zeg alles word maar gecancelled
cdc is opt moment iets belangrijker , in de playofss zullen we wel terug wat actie zien ;)
To jest smieszne!!!