infinity-skills H4X vs re-play (8415 views)

hu 5orWe1
hu seb1
hu Tuvok
hu AmMo
hu Varadi
hu Xrayne
hu Nonix
gb Griim
de duKe_
se rat
be Lazio
ee hell
ee al
Wildcard by replay and match moved to monday (25.02)
25.02.08 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Re-play Cup
Manager: synt3r (Generaladmin)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 22221
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV4
By: benJi (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: synt3r (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 4
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 96


good luck seb1
gl inf!
gl nice match
gl friends ;)
gl inf
Gl & hf dave... hopefully you will get a better position on supply --> no nades then :S
gl hungarians
2izi4 duke_ :)
gl inf gl huseb1 huvaradi
gl duke
inf has won 5 match from 6 only one who can defeat is our nation team. ugyhogy sracok tartsatok meg so szokasotokat h nyertek! (kell a piz)
"nf has won 5 match from 6 only one who can defeat is our nation team." hááááááát our nation team a:XD am jolvan meglesz ;)
nézd meg a fif meccset és arra szerintem fogadj is bátran. abból derül majd ki hogy mi lesz itt. :) amúgy köszi a bíztatást
te mit keresel itthon?
megneznem en csak suliba vagyok akkor (7ora minuszba) meg hat itt etm sincs szal... csak hallgatozni tudok
igaz is, ámerika :) hát akkor majd figyeld a kommenteket, üzenünk ^^
figyelem :) aztan hajra utol akarom erni gabot a listan szal kell a money. (2550. vagyok)
we bash team hungary... so i dont see how these guys cld beat us
T-hun < infi
you'll understand
oh the arrogance :XD
kk u are not joking!
niggah say what
hiho 1 funnyguy

<re-play|Lazio> a cheating team chosing b4 as their map

:D:D:D oned
(smashed-seb1) I dno why ppl bet on ya
(smashed-seb1) should be izi for us :<

nice caring bout e-money :<
it will be only the truth!
kk u are not joking!

EDIT: nice stealing our motto
woooohoooo! kill him! kill him! :D
to isi!
That wasn't the real team-hungary :)
fobje - katona - kimji - dest - future - nonix (it is the LU of th)

and we played like this:
katona - kimji - boristen - future - nonix - adze

But u can be proud of that :D
btw gl&hf againts inf

Yeah I remember thinking those games "where is their rifle?" Because d3st usually makes a pretty big difference. ;>
haha u r the shame of sweden nigger!
speak when spoken to random manager dude
izi for replay
griiM 4 the win
gl replay :)

gl seb1 :)
Go Infinity <3
cheaterkiddies should be disallowed.
like u?
gimme some proof plz! everybody says we are cheaters, but u have nothing concrete, so stop flaming!
easy for inf, bet on them
gl & hf
Grim ftw, go seb 2!
my money on ratZilla, though Griim will back u up its easy money
GL Tim, hope the game is fast as you should be playing for Germany at 21.00!
seb1 gonna p0wn
faszkalap :P nyerni fogunk
go griim !!! make kevin angry :D
dude, Today is not Monday, if I'm rite oO
sry I didn't check date... ^^
gl duke
match got rescheduled since lazio's internet provider decided to suck
u should've asked me to rifle :
eazeh for replay
80€ on them
"twc5 Total Money 0.98 €"
"twc5 Total Capital 113.98 €"
The bestest hax will win.
Go Hell and Al!!
gl lazio
haxx to zee maxxx
ma is megyek bindelni xD
nem leszel olyan szerencsés :D
jó és te ki vagy ? szarkupac
bocsi mester
pedig csináltam új bindeket direkt erre az alkalomra :(
az enyim jobbak ! blee
You have € 143 on hu infi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 408.98
gl inf
infi will take this
infi for sure, they always win and make me win :D
gl re-play
omg infi hasnt 6th player :XD
ok print me more virtual moneyz pl0x
score atm ?
atm 2-0
replay set time @ b4 6.01
wp re-play, great game Lazio, gg both :)
4:2 replay
4-2 Re-play
Posting Guidelines
ball of ego
Winner :D
sebi u made me sad panda 8'[
sorry for all the problems, i hope next time(in the final ;) ) we dont have that many net problems.
hungarian internetz
potm ?
omfg my inet is back! 13:02 owned

köszi nonix mindent
nice 1 there was lots of probs
not from our side tbh
orly =D only 2 of us had inet probz then 1 came back and played as a mix ^^ still 4:2
yea rly hard to play as a mix, if u pause everytime when u need tax.
excuses sucks always if no1 isnt asking for it
hax problems u mean
Total Pot: € 22221 LOL'D

OMG ONE crappy Euro :XD