infinity-skills H4X vs Friends in Force *Green* (6210 views)

hu 5orWe1
hu seb1
hu Tuvok
hu AmMo
hu Xrayne
hu Varadi
be jere
be ox
be sil
nl freedune
nl vanquish
nl joof
24.02.08 19:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Re-play Cup
Manager: sebi (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 14463
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #LoFT ETTV2
By: benJi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 53


omg inf omg! gl seb1 gl tuvok gl ammo! hf me
i think fif wil take it...

gl fif green :(
fif no show
hmmm easy bash
You have € 9 on FiFg
Possible win: € 51.84
GL SEB1 !!!
hf Jo0f :P
Gl fif!!
we'll play shit because it's on ettv imo !

gl hf all =)
infi <3
Gl vanq!
gl oxoo
gl seb1
izi 4 infi
izi 4huseb1 huvaradi
Total Pot: € 2008
it has to mean something! stop beting!

(btw, hi sebi ^^)
gl seb1
gl fif
gl seb1
vanq > infi
JERE ! <3
Gl Inf :)
Gl huinfi
1 nap 2 hozzájuk
fif !
go go fif ! j00f <3
Gl Fifg !
Seb will take it easily.
update any score?
Easy for Freedune.
Go Green <3 Woetre
woetre is yellow
daarom mag ie toch nog wel <3 Woetre ? :p
gl xrayne!
good luck FiF !
gl fif !
<3 jere + vanquish
Flikker, wat moedig jij mij niet in het special aan? :(
Jij hebt geen luck nodig om ze te pwnen!!!
gl FiF!!!
fif ofc
shhhh i just wanna win more moneyz <3
gl sil
sorry to any1 watching on my ettv, it just crashed :(
Will you pay for the therapy im going in after this incident?? :'(
If you paid for the ettv usage in the 1st place :P
WP, but if we had time to prac and normal time and with that normal line-up we would have won :o).
Infi makes me always win money <3 thx
next time play on a decent hour plz :)
then i can make it :o
fif toch, die infis zijn fucking slecht :<
sorry heer nick :(

enige excuses: tijd (=> geen warmup/tax + 1 speler van FiF.yellow)

maar goed, ook nie alles daar op steken imo

inf moete we idd altij hebben

shit happens :)
idd , wij pakten die zelf met ons slecht mentiz team , da laatste team geregeld, echt raar.. maja
blablabla igy blablabla ugy, ezert nem sikerult megverni meg azert. ki a pocsomet erdekli miert kaptak ki. kikaptak es kesz! szep volt inf!
köszi :)
nekem is ez a véleményem.. whinerek :)
(= rajtatok van minden penzem!
azért replay ellen ne légy ennyire biztos :)
no nick no win
what does nick has to do with us? :p
oh i thought hes playing with you :S
hi jago xDDDDDDDDDd
no no , NO woetre no win :D

jammer FiF
no no. NO Maxi no win :D!

to bad guys;)
gl @ cdc 4!