ReFLX vs alliancze blue team (4164 views)

15.07.13 21:15 CEST
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League: | CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9
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computer died, won't play :P gl hf
I hope DDOSing someone can't destroy a computer, otherwise we're pretty much all fucked with you around :P
xDDDD what exactly happened ? what isn't working
Everything, can't even switch on my computer. Just got a black screen, nothing happen
Most likely windows, I doubt it is a hardware problem
l'alimentation copain
wtf is this ? J'ai déjà une team 6v6 les gars et je prac ce soir :(
gg stab ken
Ange and pupa got this
gl ritonkey
reflx only bunch of stupid insulting kids. If you cant behave, dont play computer games.
You started it, from what i saw. And the only insult you recieved was " dumb ". Why are you going all mad?
Really? Like at the beggining of radar mr kusss said "czechs are jews", spammed reporeted after every our quote(even match related) ect ect. these ppl cant behave, they dont play for fun, they play to annoy others and they have fun doing it. I play this game for fun, not for being insulted by some randoms.
How is calling you "jew" is a bad thing anyway? When rito shot a trickshot rifle, he made a joke to mnew saying something like : HEY LOOK AT ME I CAN DO IT LOL BIG PENIS ( overeacting but it was something who meant that ) and you said something like : congratz, easiest shot ever blabla
Anyway, too bad you raged cause it was a nice game.
Anyway, too bad you raged cause it was a nice game.
I dont know how in france, but calling somebody a jew is considered racism, especially if the person is not a jew. But roll up for another kyuss quotes like "niggers"...this was happening during whole match. The log is there, no more comments needed. As the shits they wrote after i left the server.
Yeah i agree they acted retarded after you left, for the " shoutout c4p" etc.. can't help it, i wasn't playing or on TS. But it wasn't a reason, you should have stayed there and cg_teamchatonly 1
I left because i was not having fun. I was disguested by their expresions, spamming u mad ect. Why should i stay on server with such ppl? I wouldnt play well, there were ppl to subtitute me so I see no problem in that. Gameplay was good, other circumstances werent ok. Well everybody has different way how to achieve a victory...
oh yea our "trashtalk" gave us such an advantage
Well if your trashtalk pisses half of team off and those players are no longer focused on game...hmm i guess thats an advantage.
your mind is very weak then
If you call somebody a nigger in football match, you get yellow card, if you do that second time you go off the field. If you call somebody nigger, jew, dumb on internet you are a hero. No punishment. There are some behaving standarts I recpect to an enemy. If somebody just spam sh*ts trying just to insult ppl who are playing against him yes i stop focusing. I called vote to mute this guys, you didnt let it pass. That just show what is you nature and nurturetion.
insults on the internet = hero? seriously no one would have noticed this game but just by opening your mouth *FIGURE OF SPEECH*, you just brought so much attention to a meaningless event. you take this way too serious, if you just had ignored me from the start it would have been way easier for you (i would have look like a total retard even more) but no you decide to feed the trolls, good job (tips: dont reply/use command to mute chat, deal with it) and i never say "you guys are niggers/jews" you just like to make a big fuss over nohting. And I never spammed shit, i just replied everytime you post something.
Why should I ignore someone whos direspectful to my team, nation, myself? I just wanted to warn and prepare other teams for your behaviour. You are just trying to justify it, or whatever. If I check the judge part on clanbase, in your last two matches(not counting ours) you recieved two double thumbs down. This is obviously not a coincidence.
"warn other teams" - no one cares / 5% do, if there are people who still play vs sw1ruz then they will surely play against me and this isn't my clan or anything, I was just asked to play as a merc. dont put us all in the same basket
i think you're racist for thinking jew is racist
In that context...pls
pour de vrai au depart j'en avais rien a foutre d'eux et mon troll pour mnew c'est à cause de ces trickshots inutiles dans ces movies malgré qu'ils soient quand même bien, et l'autre à commencer à whine alors moi je m'amuse en retour sur leur madness
Taky ti muzu napsat neco jakoby chytryho abys tomu nerozumnel a co je Ti vlastne po tom, jses jen hloupej kanadan co si mysli ze je kral kdyz muze spamovat u mad po tom co nekoho hitne rifleshotem a nekdo mu za to pogratuluje tak hnedka neadekvatne reaguje.
i wasnt talking shit about you so no need to call me king :P that bind i have it for ages and in that game perspective i was using it for a reason because you were actually rly mad. No offense but i didnt say anything on radar and i was just stating to mnew that i could do the same rifle tricks as he do because its funny he does fragmovies about it even though theres some good shots. so call me stupid canadian all u want but u r the one over-reacting over a free game which is super old.
I dont care about the game winning or loosing I care about misbehaviour, no respect to you opponent, insults ect. I didnt call you a king, google translator failed in your case as did in stupid canadian.
and about being mad..yes, if somebody call my nation jews, niggers, call me personaly a dumb person without any possibility to defend myself in person...I just dont stay calm. I am a patriot and I have selfrespect.
and about being mad..yes, if somebody call my nation jews, niggers, call me personaly a dumb person without any possibility to defend myself in person...I just dont stay calm. I am a patriot and I have selfrespect.
I am not the one who said anything about that and will never do so you should just ignore them next time and just use teamchat will kindly help you to focus
Hmm I see...from your last 3 matches played you recieved two times double thumbs down, once single thumbs down...Obviously these provocatios are pretty much your habbit.
Came for c4p whine, left satisfied.
lol...still after 2 years you are still watching my posts? Dont you have anything better to do in your life?
It was last fall, old man.

what do you expect
Pupa carried this gg
Pooper? Gotta love dat nick. :D
Pue pas*
Well, in English it's pooper. Cracks me up every time. :p
:FWESD:X:SD:SD:D:D:D spast
Spasti, nerd halt ohne mich.
:D ich schreibe morgen mathe :((
You have 250 on rfx
You won 795
You won 795
best retards in ET! Please delete this game and quit your life! thanks a lot :-* haters gonna hate!
umad ?
I think you are too much serious. Be happy and have sex perse man ;)
maybe yes, maybe no :) im happy bro, i got a 3years gf ;)
Good for you, well go with her, and give a kiss to c4p, luve ! :-*
Cool story bro
pupa: stfu retard, my comment not for you...
x(, yeah umad !
im right
im right
3 years old gf, gg.
Isn't she a bit too young? :)
your gf got a dick between her legs and ... its not yours, castrated shemale lover
Nejm: pls stfu idiot, 3years is not 3 years old! Retard rly!
Crono: your answer is rly desoriented! You must ve castred if you say it! ;) :-*
And myslis ze kdyz tady budes psat 304738 tisici jazykama tak se z toho poseru? To jo ty internet hero! Bez si polomcovat chlupy v mezinoí a zalez ty mentale!
Crono: your answer is rly desoriented! You must ve castred if you say it! ;) :-*
And myslis ze kdyz tady budes psat 304738 tisici jazykama tak se z toho poseru? To jo ty internet hero! Bez si polomcovat chlupy v mezinoí a zalez ty mentale!
sure! c4p is normal player/people but your stupid commnets in game are too much no brains... thx for game! stop reply to me!
hahaha peter leurs chevilles a ces putes tcheque blapblapblap
no malfoy no win... :´(

a ty mnewcko koukej s něma naplanovat rematch v normalni sestave se sklamcou, pecou a mnou... ;)
monkey u such a nerd haha skinny bitch <3 love u #nohomo
look at your arms skinny bitch, they are as thick as a pencil, <3 love u