greejtsjot vs 21 Gunz (3303 views)

nl Adetooo
be ViKO
be r4pZ
ro Stary
nl kARMA
ru mirror

CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013
Second League
UB Round 1
16.07.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ViKODiK (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ice
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10685
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


Doughnuts for mirror
gl both
hf r4pz
gl r4pz :) !
hf :p
gl karma
wow adeto, even when enemy jumps, ur crosshair repeats his every move so fcking exactly, tracking so smooth on 1 point at target. if its ur aim u should thank ur lucky star.
your on an accusing spree now?
i was kidding about u,didnt even watch. i accused atm adeto ,chilax, nazty, promen and rapz. not officially: bltzz
chilax and r4pz clean...
where azur?^^^^^^^^^^
azur playing another game to act like lifer.
chilax and nazty cheat yea , not sure about the others tho
And Mirek
nie, nie pisalem nigdzie ze na czyms gra, podejzewam jedynie ze moze miec, ale nie mowie ze ma. gra dziwnie, tylko tyle.
Clearly you never actually spectate me :D
i did once before, and now :)
Oh oke, then i'll send my letter of resignation to Aniky so he can ban me :(
oh ok... but why should i care, i just say what i see
adeto u are now officially banished from exitium due to ur cheating :s
yeah Adetooo is top watching your Streams now.... :S
You have € 60 on ga 21
You lost

Thx :s
You have € 26 on v56
You won € 107.38
Well cheated Adetom8
Adeto new Azur ?