21 Gunz vs nasty warriors (2848 views)

ro Stary
nl kARMA
pl promen
nl timbolina
fi Sankari

CB ET 3on3 Ladder

Player to spec: fiSankari

Will this former very high low skilled 6on6 format undisputed dominator noob get the highest lowest damage or not?

EDIT: and the lowest damage award goes to....surprise surprise...fiSankari!
17.07.13 14:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: LORDI (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ufo_final
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5602
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


gl stary
gl sankari
gl LORDI and sankari
gl mitja
gl me
gl stary, timbolina
hahaha sankari lowwwwww
You have € 2500 on ga 21
You lost

You have € 250 on eu nw
You won € 2177.5
LMAO hahhahaa
whats so funny besides ur face
the length of your dick
I hate to see such comments ... so immature ...
"kill urself" guy speaking
Ok, ok ... but still ... :D!
i dont get you karma and stary, accusing this motherfucker from cheating and playing with him... wtf is wrong with et these days
Promen is a beast. Stary & Karma are two focking cowards.
yeah, a cheating beast. retard brainless drugsuser. you have no clue about et if you think he is any good
I don't know ... I like that guy.
You like when someone carries you, don't you ? :)
And then he wonders why he is being ddosed :D
You are a faggot with your DDOS shit. This is such a stuff of coward ... IRL you wouldn't stand a single focking chance you faggot.
ye you tell him apricock, rape his face
Bro, I lift your weight on bench press but you probably weight like 45kg and that's the weight I warmup with
you play like 5 3v3s a day only thing you lift is that cola can on your desk
You seem like a cool guy so I will share my schedule with you

I wake up at 9 , at 10 I leave my house, I reach the gym at let's say 10:15 where I stay for about 1h30 or 2h depending today for example I only did abs so 1h+ , then I get home somewhere between 12:00 - 13:00 and I start to play.

If you can improve my schedule please tell me
i can: wake up at 8.30, playing to 22.
I just wake up at that time because it isn't so crowdy and not so warm temperature
You could improve your schedule by getting a job. Just an idea.
I'm still in school, and if you're talking about summer job then I don't need the money anyway maybe just as experience.
I don't do protein shakes or anything I just eat a lot after gym.
nigga pls protein shakes won't make u big like without roids: masteron deca insulin hGH proviron testo durateston trembolone and there u go ...
Why u training so hard, ur so little, not good for the bones maybe u won't grow anymore if u do this every day
I'm so little?:D you said that like I'm 12, and I'm tall enough I don't care to grow in height anymore.
U were 168 or smth:P didn't mean it bad... i'm 181 atm and I want to reach 184 atleast
No, I am 179 and that's enough for me.
show a pic of your body pls...
Hoe kan jij nou weer 184 zijn, aan je stem te horen lijk je 10 of 11 xD
hij is gewoon groot tim
Hoe ken jij hem nou weer, supna ontkent dat je ze broer bent xD
Hij is men broer, en ben 16. Daarnaast moet je beter lezen ik zei dat ik 184 wil zijn en dat ik 181 ben.
my penis is 179
back in da days with upload and swiruz thay had 1st place @ 3on3 and 2on2 ladder so i think YES he is good and if you say hes not no offence but you are just cluelesss.

swiruz is/was a cheater, your post doesnt make any sense
now i wonder why other 4324324324 cheaters didnt rich top, maybe coz of thairs non cheating lower skilled team mates.. so that means promen IS a good player stupid as fuck and retarded but still.
u need more 3on3 med+/high pracc i think :S
You have € 333 on ga 21
You lost