phase vs aegrus (7554 views)

lv Clown
is phyzic
gb razz
nl jACKiE
nl rezhni
nl xPERiA

CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013
Premier League
UB Round 2
25.07.13 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 66169
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 86


grush / supply, no need to keep the maps "not announced".
np for razzpeuner
You have € 100 on fr phase Cancel bet
Possible win: € 153
si on perd j'me rase les couilles
avi or gtfo ... ah non en fait :D
je ratiboise aussi :D
gl phase
gl phase...
gl to both! hf guys
jk forfeit
gl aegrus!
glhf motif!
phyzic wont play, rite?
like this will ever be played, everyone knows xperia is scared of razz and phyzic.
hehe u making fun :p
Much players say that but i think xPERIA is ready to pwn them !
yes i never played with or against them before hehe i nervous :p
are u guys going to be here tonight?
im tryin to get a 3rd, how about u guys?
got 3
nice try but every1 knows you are scared.
you can see my true intentions :s are you a wizard?
dude, this kid is just retarded LOL makinfun4 do you have any life?
izi incon :D
easy nlpowerhouse
razz = win !
jackie and rezhni in line up = win for phase yes
stfu /!\
BiGGiee Thursday, 25th July 2013 17:56
izi incon :D
gubisz sie synek.
czemu? xPERiA jest lepszy od razza czy clowna ojcze.
pan wpierdol i tak po niego przyjdzie.
jackie lost his car keys xd being brought home now by a fellow RETARD. sorry for the delay
couldn't be any closer on both maps wtf soo unlucky for xPERiA...

my back hurts, all for nothing :(
razz = win
jackie you were good, do you like ET?
xPERiA you played very well ... close on both maps.

But about Adlernest, you still didn't understand that you have to go @Transmitter when it's 45-50 seconds left even if they didn't take OBJ.
Because it was obvious that they were gonna take OBJ and win it this way if you stay like lowbies on full all at OBJ's place.

Tactic is : run with 3 @transmitter, 1 FDOPS 2 medics and stay close to the TRANS and shot ALL ... don't take needles / medpacks like lows. :D!

Only 1 attack to hold there. Easy really.
they werent even close to docs yet, if rezhni didnt take full there adler was ours, ofcourse jackie not reviving didnt help either :D
my nade was supreme :)
ye was a good nade, anyway gg it was much closer and fun than i had anticipated :P
it was closer than expected. jackie had some amazing kills with nades :D
+1 nicely written. good mood apricot
4-0 phase?
riddler hacked scores
xperia > phyzic