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CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013
Second League
UB Round 2
28.07.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: guffy (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 18046
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


gl rahula rito and fumble
-owzo +Tites
-crumbs +Stary
tam swiecic panowie jak gwiazdy :) HF :)
Ri Staryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
twoja matka ja pierdole jebane kurwa :) :)
haha still plyin gl ! <3
ofc we do mate how r you? <3
im just good playin arctic combat these days :D u? <3
<3 artic combat any good?:o
nah they are going to kill the game :(
this game borred me after 2 weeks
gl i hf
glhf rahula!
dat s1LENT guy
gl Wut, syriusz :d
tites back to roll, gl :)
GL WuTolas,Pius,Syriusz
gl archers !
Easy fumble >:o
dont understand why archers in 2nd division
Because clownbase
hurr durr we have hard oppo so let's whine about leagues lol clownbase lol

archers were originally in premier then swapped with bSTURZ

would you rather play vs bSTURZ instead?
How come eA is in premier lol and those guys aren't?
did you even read my comment? archers were in premier but swapped to 2nd with bSTURZ

kinda funny to see this coming from a team who complained for days that they didn't get an EC quali
stary wasnt part of the team back then and lineup had quite more highskillers :P and no worries from me I apologize for my teamates and their innocence
dont believe that he speaks on behalf of the team
I agree, but tbh archers>bsturz
believe it when we beat them
if that happens Ill come to the UK with my whole fam, my gf and my dog and we'll all blow u off
because we low
archers are overrated
don't worry next time we'll play in 3rd div
That's not our fault we're thought to be better than e.g. bSTURZ, according to comments above :c
więc to juz dzis mam nadzieje ze bedzie sklad : D!
nie będzie składu, każdy zaszył się w bunkrze.
WuT wyskoczyłeś?
za slabe strejfy :/ dosc mierny jestem
sry brah, exams comin :(
ggs wp
You have € 10 on eu supski
You lost

thx ..