Controlled-Gaming WarTeam vs Coffee Time (5109 views)

us Equanimity
fi BossHK
fi Deer Hunter
pl Sinnsyk
pl Baczo
pl Seigen

CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013
Fourth League
LB Round 2
28.07.13 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Sinnsyk (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 5777
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


gl c[_]
You have € 300 on eu #CTRL.d
Possible win: € 576

easy win cuz no mccloud.
easy like your gf on top of me
like there are girls in fucking slovenia ahaha
For a nerd like u, that would be hard to know, indeed.
Aniky: Over 50 offis.... close thing with the nerd-part bra :DDDDDD
U can go and try to count 50 offies i played, u might get time period of around 2 years or so with it.
2nd line: "search" enter ur name here and then have a close look.... and then compare this to me
irony u are comparing me with u, who are u again?
wow steady on bro
learn to read, i said compare the offis u played to those which i played and then spot the nerg again
U do realize i played in average 1 offi per 14 days, u might wanna visit some math classes, so u wont make such a fool out of urself next time.
hahaha like i give a fuck, i didnt play 30 offis in 3 years, so fuck off already
I dobut u even play more than 3 years etpro lolz.
Have you? :/
DAFAKKAA dtect so pro, can play 2 matches at same time
dont forget BossHK hes also at the same skill.
For one, this is the wrong gamestv group. its controlled gaming not controlled gaming wa

2, wrong lineup.

3, If I have a wildcard (which I will look for soon) I'm using it cuz this match is impossible to play right now. if it can be moved an hour and 30 minutes would be nice
nice one adding two games at the exact same time.

I request time change.
you're the one who accepted both challenges for this date/time @ CB...
I requested Rechallenge, at a different time, they wouldn't accept, none of them on their own IRC, nothing to do but use a wildcard or get admin involved....
me dtect boss play this you play other :D
rly? maybe u dont know our IRC channel -_-
Full name Coffee Time
Game Enemy Territory
IRC #c[_].et
Country Poland

I'm always going to the clan's match page for their IRC
so don't accept the challenge? :P it's not very fair to blame them because you happened to schedule two matches at the same time (this is also why he selected the "warteam", because the system didn't allow him to choose the other team due to the other game)
again +1
Well for one, I wanted to talk it over with them, but none of them on their own IRC, I tried to /q none of them online, so I wasn't gonna play their silly game of challenge then rechallenge and then rechallenge etc... if they didn't find my date suitable for them, they could have contacted me and we could have talked a date over. like I tried to do when I saw the date wasn't suitable for control, but I cba with that and I accepted
"I wanted to talk it over with them, but none of them on their own IRC" :XDDDDDDDDDDDD nice try bro ;)
ye ofc deny it now :) so sad.
first person from ctrl.d at our channel:

[17:10:23] * dTEC7 ( has joined #c[_].et
[17:10:25] * dTEC7 ( has left #c[_].et
IRC #c[_].et

Match logs says everything, you challenged, I rechallenged, you challenged again, don't see you anywhere on my IRC either, strange thing huh? IRC must not work these days, but I guess that's how you always handle your matches, without talking a date out.

"no such nick" to all of your members in this match page's lineup
im on IRC everyday, at our channel,,,, etc. anyway i cannot see you at our channel - strange thing huh?
if you're everywhere as you claim, you wouldn't have a problem idling in my IRC or /qing me when you created this challenge. says enough when you make gamestv match and don't even bother to contact me for correct lineup. so gtfo
why should I idle ur iRC? :D if this lu isnt correct just write ur correct lu, is this serious problem for u? Is it hard to write correct lu here? if it is, just pmme at IRC thats all
" just pmme at IRC thats all"

Whatever I'm already using a wildcard if possible, I had enough of this silly shit
yep, still i cannot see you at our channel
[18:08] * ETisMYlife ( has left #ctrl.d

If people only used their real nicks in IRC this would be 100 times easier

Sinnsyk " just pmme at IRC thats all".


Just pm Sinnsyk at IRC, thats all.
he didnt ask me about nick, anyway at our channel all the time is book and santi at bnc so its bullshit that nobody from coffee time is online
How could I ask you anything when you're not even using a real nick? I told you I tried to /q u but it said "no such nick", so it's bullshit to say I never tried to contact when you use silly names like that.

If you're entering a cup, you should at least use a name people see you as on IRC, easier to contact, because you never tried to contact anyone from control. you just kept messing with the challenges, instead of trying to contact me, you do nothing and just kept rechallenging like an arrogant person without even trying to settle a day by talking to me

But argue with me as much as you want, I'm allowed to use my wildcard as I see fit
listen, im all the time at our channel and never saw you there so what are you talking about? And i dont have to pm you at IRC

yep u are allowed to use ur wildcard as u see fit
Why would I be on IRC now? its too late to discussed the problem we are talking about now, all we're doing is arguing which gets us nowhere, and as I said many times now, I will use my wildcard, and change this date. I will contact u (NOW that I know your IRC nick) about a different date when I use my wildcard.

End of that
gl synnsyk:D
gl Sinnsyk
GL c[_]

Jerome will not be attending again tonight bro :(
You have € 222 on pl c[_] Cancel bet
Possible win: € 424.02
naprzod, kapitanie goldrush, licze na conajmniej 6 fragow!
hey, ippw maybe?
hey, i play instead of gnome + ippw maybe?
gg fourth league too hard
wp guys!
bosshk best aimer on et 60acc stable cant even win a game in fourth league
who are you?
as been said, fourth leaguwe too hard, premier is way easier

edit: nice deleting all comments below, owned
true that
u need another team then mate, since ctrl only plays 5th league or higher so they can win smth.
said guy who lost in 6th league. stop talking bullshit
you still talking?
gg XD

better luck next time
1. spot ub
2. spot ub
3. final

Yes its easier than vs warping polaks who you cant hit even if u backrape from 1m away and shoot to middle of back(watch replay). No offense to coffee break, they had some teamplay but tbh main factor was just their internet.

P.S: just spelling it out for you :)
just face it ur not best aimer et :)
no i cant face it, go away spreading lies
oh you are one of the so called internet trolls right
the fact that they label you "best aimer in et" is quite funny, you never said anything about being the best aimer in et, and when you did. you were obviously trolling and people keep taking the bait.

Didn't know making an aiming tutorial for new people in et would be so offensive to others who don't need the training. guess people are too ego and read what they want to read :)
afaik i'v never said anything like that :D but hey you see that base guy, telling people how he makes best strategies for every map :DDD and still losing 6th div game vs low/- xddd very funny indeed :DD
says guy who plays 7 offis per day and pracs 6hours per day lol. lets compare it to me: 1 offii and 1 6on6 irc war per week. whos tryhard now. i think its you :DD funny guy :D
might be someone from your buddygroup fanboying me :DD very funny indeed :DD funny guy and good strategist at ET you are :DD
Yes I'm the one trolling when you started attacking BossHK for no apparent reason.

get the fuck out
you are a retard if you took any of Boss' words seriously about that.
ye hehe i remember you saying you were the best strategist at ET(and irl too lol), making best attack plans for every map and yet you supposedly lost 6th league match xdddddddddddddd i just find it funny, now getting excuses like 'stownage' etc when they are not playing even with 30% of their skill :ddddddddd you are funny guy, at least i find it very funny :DD
thats what you say :DD funny indeed :DD
The final just made me laugh, even my low+ was enough to let them quit from server after flag fh on supply, no fcking idea why did they play in 2nd league + magico is sick player.
Eighth League

atleast TRG is winning something...
Why you trying to make a comeback on me? :D? I'm not the one saying I'm winning something or every time... so its bullshit to say TRG is winning something when they clearly lost as well

nice try though
do you see my name?

and we still in Loser Bracket or what is your point?
so if someone loses every game in 1st league, but TRG wins 8th league, TRG is better?

stop this flameshit and just do Ctrl vs. TRG
bosshk is in ctrl, its not fair man.
you still on bosshk's dick? :D
yes who are you?
Well I won't disturb you and your boyfriend any longer.

hf riding his dick
atleast im not the one trying go get work to go to his online gf
she's not online if we met more than 3 times already :D

you're funny
ok that was so rude, sorry XDDDDD
yes who are you?
Equanimity: Main:

Gnome (?)
Legion (?)
CrimZon (?)



symbol: thanks. gl. cu.

who are u
can't handle the pressure, sorry :(
real life is bei den jeden satz zu speichern du sags hallo direkt kopieren textdokument öffnen und speichern kann man ja gebrauchen irgendwann wenn man streit hat.

xdddd nerds
you should crawl in mums wamp and pray to god that you stay there...

I may be posting it myself, but it made me lol so hard :D