BoomKnuffelaars vs Rulers Of The Deep (4671 views)

be ChilAx
be aNGER
ee CrM
ee Booo

CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013
Sixth League
LB Round 2
29.07.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ChilAx. (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 1739
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


Vanuit le france : gl dames
gl Boomknuffelaars
gl aNGER
gl dikkerds!
zeg me ki nie achtr jonges tg
was a nice game :D
lol base losing in Sixth league lol lol lol xdddddddddddd xdddddddddddddddddddd
but we never said that we are the best? u did
Quote any control member saying "we are the best" without "lol" or any "XD" smileys, then talk to me
i just read what i see man ;) and ' we are the best = we are the best ' in my eyes.. if theres a fucking smiley or not, idc but u said it
Can't prove it or quote it, don't tell shit you can't back up.
I'm pretty sure you know that you or your teammates said that ;) but nvm mate
lol mckloot replying lol lol xdddddddd
im low+, but still able to rape ur shitty team ;p even in 6o6
low- als ik terug ben
Lets see.

Challenge control on cb
constannnnnnnnnnn hoe ist in france
Ja lekker warmpjes
What for? We raped u 6months ago with ChAos in 6o6 OC 4-0. Never pracced, never played together.
then u started to whine cus we used ex cheater who is clean for 3years and just wants to have some fun and keep this game alive.

Je mag best eens reagere op mij ipv.op die verneukte burgerkop

Sorry hoor lieve schat <3 alles goed daar in le france?
Goed hoor, lekker warmm, strandje is de oplossing.
Nobody whined about cheats, you got suspended because your own team reported the score and CB admins figured out your history, do not blame us for your dumb shit.

u scared I guess
Mckloot nerd pleurt op
Scared? Like i said, we raped u 4-0, i dont see a point getting 6 random et friends and rape ur shitty team again like we did last time, sorry.
soz for the rape
us Mccloud Monday, 29th July 2013 15:46
Big fat nerd xD
cuz you are a nolifers that thinks you are the best player.. and only answer: 'scared' or " i just read what i see man' ;)
of what ? Ure team is a big joke, ure trying to win something for 15years already, praccing 7times a week. best thing u won is prolly 6o6 3rd div XDDDD and ure still getting rolled by 6 randoms. I dont have to prove myself, iknow im shit, but ure team is even worse, since u lost from us.
dont destroy him base :((((((
ye, he can't handle the truth
HAHAHAHHAHAH; did he really maked such a nerd topic? this is gg, rlly ;)
Cntrl he, vrijwel allemaal grafnerdjes
Ye, he setted everything perfect to play.. hahahahaahahhahahahahaha wtff ,, this is gg.
Looks like your sharp pliers could use some of that information. this is gg.
Ye we are fucking nerds and put every settings 100% correct to play a game? srsly,, .. We see obviously who's a freak/nerd:)
Like cntrl
LOL u nerds put every setting 100% correct to play a game ahahahahahah

i just read what i see man ;)
never heard of sarcasme? --' xD
I lold
us Mccloud Monday, 29th July 2013 22:19
Quote any control member saying "we are the best" without "lol" or any "XD" smileys, then talk to me
be ChilAx. Monday, 29th July 2013 22:21
i just read what i see man ;) and ' we are the best = we are the best ' in my eyes.. if theres a fucking smiley or not, idc but u said it

i just read what i see man ;)
never heard of sarcasme? --' xD
i just read what i see man ;)
I had an '?' at the end of my sentence.. :)
i just read what i see man ;)
oh dear god u really are clueless arent u
this is fun :D i'm talking to the best players of ET, damn i'm so proud <3
yep, #1 and #3 players in ET. we are here to school any new kids from 2012, u r welcome
i'm just playing for fun:))) idc about my lowskill.. and I dont play with nolife nerds like bossssshk
LOL U SETINTG EVERITHYNG PERFECT hahahahaahahhahahahahaha wtff ,, this is gg
Another nerd arrived that not even know sarcasme and can't read sentence correct
I only know sarcasm
i just read what i see man ;)
no doubt
You can't reply something else ;) this is gg
wp u tried
Cntrl nerds showing up again

and who the fuck are you? if i may ask?
no doubt bruddi no doubt
havoc, nog zon pismonkje
do you want my Facebook or smth?
i never heard about you , so dont talk to me then..
take some english lessons : D
Stop trying to be funny, nerdje
like i care about my fucking english, i know its bad, but atleast you can understand me:)
yea I thought arguing on gamestv would be more fun :(
Je hoeft die nerds geen gelijk te geve, gwn begrave dat volk
go dig a pit and bury yourself
m'n engels is slecht kwete, ma ze verstaant allik wl.. ik ga nie zitten dinge te verdeidgen dan waar zijn
Dat is mijn chilax :$

Oke kgaat, ltrz
You have € 10 on eu ==<3
You lost
:( alles goe in zwolle?
ja zeker en in frankrijk dan ?
Heet =)
welke plek in frankrijk ben je hier is het ook aardig heet man xD
komt omdat jij daar bent heeee
Sexyboy detected !xD
cup abuse kapot detected xD en kweet :$
excuses voor het ongemak probeer het later nog eens

Kzit in perpignan, tege spaanse grens aan, aan de middelandse zee
Mooiman blijf je er nog lang ?
Vrijdag terug, optijd voor feyenoord thuis =))))
nice one !
Wat zei jij tegen papa? Vrijdagavond wil ik thuis op de bank zitten voor Zwolle!!!! :D