Malibu vs Hi2u (3027 views)

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Team mAlibu Replace etardz in the cup ! 3v3 OneDayCup
27.07.13 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Events » Matchlink
Manager: kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 2707
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


*team pulls out, kapot automatically in final*

What about the other semi finalists? imo survive should play slayers and the winner is in final.
KaputT so eager to win something. I bet there's gonna be some serious Teamviewer drama afterwards! :P

srry we can t play jetro going off :(
Grand-Final !

we replaced a team so im in the final gg xD
what a final..
kapot allowed on GTV once again, ehh
lol :D do you really think that I care about it haha

and also 2009 =/= 2013 ??
there is a slight difference between being banned at the moment and banned few years back, which like half of the community was.

a poza tym co to kurwa zmasowany atak mad polaczkow w sobotni wieczor? XD
hax zawsze bedzie haxem
nawet nie wiedzialem ze miales jakiegos bana
ale czepiasz sie typa a sam haxiles :"D
dobrze ze nie mowi ze szwagier babci wbil na haxie przynajmniej...
lol :D do you really think that he care about it haha

00069053 kAPOTNL 05.02.2013. Cheat/ET-Aimbot

and also 05.02.2013 =/= 27.07.2013

he's still banned until the 5th of February 2014*

do not even bother anymore, you are too dumb to make any point here
dzieki bo wlasnie sie fest wysralem, przyda sie
gg et is dead
If I don't put a team for the cup look what happens
yes, I'm disappointed :s
kapot in final?

oh he is the cuphoster now I know why :<<<<