aegrus vs wiSe-guys (3733 views)

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CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013
Premier League
LB Round 3
11.08.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 13611
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


If it starts at 20cet then you can remove me from the lineup.
ankka please
+ ohurfcool requested it with german hosted server.

who cares ?
yes, just like every other 3on3 SC game I requested

your opponent doesn't seem to mind it :)
well im quite their ISP didnt go full-retard and they dont have 148-250 ping on ger servers like I do.
and that's my fault? "nice try you faggot" because I added a matchserver that only you have problems with? get over yourself
more like finnish ppl with sonera connection but w/e
It actually is, there is a reason some teams only request matchservers from specific areas or add their own servers and as you usually check the matchserver ip + password no matter if you're involved or not it would surprise me if you didn't see this comming
what are you talking about? obviously I have no problem with changing servers if needed, just would rather be asked nicely instead of getting flamed about it

the server has already been changed to a NL server
where is the problem of add their own or opponent's private server?
there is no problem with that at all, just pointing out how ridiculous it is to flame me for adding a german server instead of simply asking to change it

the server has already been changed to a NL server
You prolly didn't realize but I wasnt "flaming" you, but this friendly polak WuT :p
germany servers are totally shit thesedays. maybe change location?
maybe think before you type? there are 3 non-german matchservers and 9 games on sunday so far, do the math
I meant that all those german located servers should be changed to any other location :). no offensive
hmm ok, my bad then :P
Dat pic
where is the black guy?
im avi at 20:30cet if u need me to play xperia. off now ->
not going to be played today, monday or tuesday in the evening
nah, we can't play those days, we can play today, cu on
wise-guys? more like scared-guys
can't believe it isnt experia cancelling because scared of oppo this time (he would if razz was his oppo)
why scared ? dont get ur point
forfeit it seems, this may be canceled