eXecutors vs kettutytot (2689 views)

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CB ET 2on2 Ladder
09.08.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: LORDI (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ufo_final
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Total Pot: € 6252
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


I wont even use half potential. I'm more drunk and stoned than ridji's mother.
gonna be close still...
You are the most sad whiner in ET these days. Also your "soz4ownage" bind is most retarded ever (alltough I bet you consider it awesome).

I doubt you have never ever even tasted alc not to mention that you ever smoked a joint.

You are great example of a player who thinks s/he's good,
and when getting raped badly starts to cry. "I want my mommyyyyy!"

Feel sorry for you, really.

Sorry to break it down to you but my in-game behavior is almost purely trolling & made-up persona, an "act". Also, "soz4ownage" bind is meant in a sarcastic manner, meant to be kind of funny, which it quite frankly is in the right situations & is kind of my trademark for years. Everyone who has played with me, or continues to play with me, doesn't take it seriously like you just did. Getting mad or replying to a bind is more retarded than the bind itself.

If you would have followed the scene a little bit more and better you would know that I'm actually a good player based on nowadays standards. But can't win always, rite? Especially against better players. You should look up what "getting raped badly" means because it definitely did not happen in this official. Yeah, we did lose, so what? That hardly was "badly raped". Maybe take the time to actually spec the match before commenting.

Is having smoked a joint considered to be amazing, awesome or what? I have never smoked a joint but what that has to do with anything? Does it make me a worse person? How? I've never smoked cigarettes also. What did I miss? Please tell me. Please educate me about how your social life is superior compared to mine because that is what I assume you're implying here. Ironically, I'm just drinking whiskey while I'm writing this.

Come at me brah.
come ts and read it for me
nice one, 8/10, will recycle
"Also, "soz4ownage" bind is meant in a sarcastic manner, meant to be kind of funny" <- So funny I peed a little while giggling!

"If you would have followed the scene a little bit more" <- 9 years is quite a long time I suppose.

"I'm more drunk and stoned than ridji's mother. " <- That answers for latter part of your text. I assume you meant it as a joke right?

And you are right, smoking is not a way to act cool, nor is drinking. Still I am doing both of those and not feeling cool at all.
Drinking red wine and 1 star Jaloviina atm as I'm writing this shit.

Don't come at me brah, or you'll be sorry.
>9 years is quite a long time I suppose.

Irrelevant since being in the scene for 9 years doesn't mean you're actively following and I doubt you have actively specced 3on3 ladder matches.

>"I'm more drunk and stoned than ridji's mother. " <- That answers for latter part of your text. I assume you meant it as a joke right?

Ah, didn't get you were replying to that sentence. Totally a casual joke. Directed at plElviss because for some reason he likes to talk how drunk ridji's mother is. No freakin' idea what is the story behind that.

Anyways, I hope explaining myself to you made you feel at least a little bit less sorry for me because there really is no reason to feel that way. My life is awesome and I shouldn't be taken seriously in-game.
This kid wants your dick lordi, stop teasing him xD
I've printed this text and framed it on my wall
you know what...you're an idiot
You have € 80 on eu .eXe
Possible win: € 584.8
lets do this mitja
will give my best beAzur
lol game
no, it is real life
You have € 15 on fi ketut!
You won € 16.2
You have € 1 on eu .eXe
You lost

League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink

this is a 2on2 :D
Hyvä pojat laddut haltuu, meikä dominoi koivarin kans tota fortee sill väli!