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pl ridji

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
20.08.13 12:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ams (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 392
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Enemy Territory TV

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Viewer Peak: 12


gl seigen
pl Seigen buszuje z coltem

ridji wallhacking so obvious, mostly on the last minutes of grush.
that is called good comments from team, or maybe you just dont have skill?
You are funny mexor ,ridji is old hax . He was pleyed in team Polad , and he is another "polish player busted" on the tzac. I don't belive high skiller
You can hack now, without getting busted.
And no way, Marcus can do something about it.
Tzac is officially a useless program now.
So don't be surprised when half .pl suddenly skillboosts like shit. Since most busted cheaters (look previous cheaters on cb) are .pl.

HellfaG i know that .Sometimes i think its shame to be Polish player. Mutch of this hax pleyed in" team Poland" from many years and nothing is changed . Only the lans can show really what people can do , and what skill heve got . I dont belive in capitan of Polish team because people are lieying , and evrybady want to win on the Nactions Cup . Yeah et is Dead
ET was "dead" when there were no PB wars, like 2009/2010, ET was dead when SLAC came out, et was dead when TZAC v2 came out, now ET is dead when TZAC is useless, at least according to people who keep saying that over and over
Mccloud todey are hax scrim famous and this is normal on the scene. In me opinion the best years for this game was years 2005-2008 when people just wanted pleyed clean for pleasure
not like todey when 1/3 of Polish Team are busted
Well, playing clean is official over.
How many CB admins do we have that actually watch demo's?
I mean: Look at promen, everyone knows. Some even informed ohurshit, but none of them care.

At CB cod admins, who are with a shitload (since the game is more popular) CB admins get asked frequently to check demo's from offcial wars, because players are cheating.
In this game, CB admins don't care. And if they say they do, they like to lie.

Anyway: download the new Tzac client. Download hack. (use winject to inject it in your game, since Tzac needs to start the game itself) and voila: you'll become the new Arnold, Promen, Weslann, lesti,...
you sound upset.
I am.
Should see how many are testing their hacks as we speak.
Some like to play etpro pub, but that is getting more annoying by the minute.
To many people now testing this new way of cheating.

Well, anyone wanna do an offi later? Gotte show you my new skillboost, since CB amins don't care... It's legit!!!!!
Oh wait.. :s:s:s:s:s
you should calm down and not give up hope on this game so fast just because tzac is useless, if you love this game, support it even in the shit times. just because there is a way to cheat (there is always a way to cheat in a video game) doesn't mean some people who love this game want to cheat, so I don't get why you are telling people how to winject and use hacks for. even when this client is out I'm not using that shit. and if you don't feel comfortable playing against randoms, play with your m8s
What a joke. Do you have any idea how many hours I spend each week on this game as an admin? Insult me as much as you'd like, but to say that I don't care is just stupid.

Pretty easy to judge others when all you do is sit on NBS and accuse players of cheating all day. I'd like to see you in my position; it's not nearly as easy or as enjoyable as you seem to think it is.
i appreciate you <3
That's the biggest bullshit I ever heard.
i've informed sczurek also, what did he do? Ignore it.

There are enough respected players here, that know the same as me.
And indeed, are also on NBS playing regular, while playing in second/first league.
Ask them. Because you don't want to believe anything from me what I say. And Ohurcool: I told you so. Hopefully now you believe me.
If not, ask those far more respected players, who are regular on NBS.

Look at the case promen.
I rest my case.
Explain which part of my comment is bullshit please. You don't think I care about this game? Or you think you could do a better job?

szczurek just got back from being away for a couple months due to school, so there's no need to drag him into this.

You told me so? What exactly did you tell me? Accusing a player of cheating who then gets banned does not make you some sort of hero. And don't pretend that you predicted everything which happened with TZAC and chaplja, because we both know that's not true.

What about promen? If you think he's cheating, give me proof. I've never once received a single demo or any other actual evidence from you.

This situation we're in right now (with no reliable anticheat) is not new to ET. It's happened before, and the game managed to remain alive. But you wouldn't know that since you probably haven't been around for more than two years or so.
Oh jon, don't bs me.
I think it was on Tzac forum (could be somewhere else) but I offered you a demo.
And you replied something similar as "lol". And that's it.

Secondly, I did predict EVERYTHING what was going on with Chap.
Tell me what I didn't? Yes, that he would post this new client on the cheat site. true, but that's the only thing.

And I've been as long around here, as you are.
But yes, you're here longer on etpro as I'm. true that. =>anyway childish accusation from a 'respected' admin.
(edit: 7-8 years. NQ>jaymod>etpro>silent and jaymod and etpro)

I'll sent you the demo trough CF, since now you care. Should post more of this in Public. Finely seems to help.

You probably called me useless or uncaring (like you are doing here), so that's most likely why I didn't give you a serious reply.

You don't even know the full story of what happened with him, so no, you didn't "predict EVERYTHING". And even if you did, so what? Do you want a medal or something? It doesn't make you a hero.

Yeah, childish accusations... you should know all about those. My point was that you haven't been around long enough to know what you're talking about. That is not an insult; it is a fact.

Example: - Why should I waste my time arguing with someone who doesn't even know that TZAC bans were not initially permanent? I wasn't even an admin back then and was still aware of it. You act like you are some all-knowing god, when in reality there is a long list of things that you know nothing about.

Don't send me any demos without clear timestamps of suspicious moments. I'm not watching full-length demos of "cheaters" just to make someone like you happy.
Quote by ohurcool
Don't send me any demos without clear timestamps of suspicious moments. I'm not watching full-length demos of "cheaters" just to make someone like you happy.

My point. I don't get it why you act like you do care, and keep doing NOTHING and do like you are actually doing something except organizing/helping with cups (which most of us, would thank you for)
What is wrong with that quote? Of course I care, but I have better and more important things to do than watch long demos of players who I don't even think are cheating. I didn't say I wouldn't watch the demos. I said make me timestamps, then I'll watch them. Why should I have to do all the work? It's your "proof".

Quotekeep doing NOTHING and do like you are actually doing something except organizing/helping with cups

What was the last thing you did to contribute?
Pointless to argue with you.
Mary Unforgiven, pointless to argue with him too. The one who probably made chap to mad, that he posted his client.
So does this mean I win?
Glenn who the fuck would watch a 30 min demo because you have a feeling someone is using cheats? I for one would not. If you would then maybe you should join the CB team and do something about it rather than whine at a cup supervisor. Just imagine if every time someone gave you a demo of a 15 minute game you're expected to watch it. Fuck that.
you can fast forward demos :)
But if no one tells you the time in question how do you know where you're fast forwarding too? BRAINMAN
I lolled
That's how they do it a COD cb.
And why the fuck do you defend all of this?
So far only busted players have defended this/Ohurcool, why you too?
Coming from a CB admin who says he cares.
And acting more like a kid than Kapot.

Yes, you won.
Anyway, gl with the new skillboost wave.
Hope you enjoy it.
QuotePointless to argue with you.
Quote by Ohurcool
So does this mean I win?
No, I win.
We both lose, mate.
You're just to blind to see. And this wasn't an insult.
This is me giving up.
I never lose.
Yes, as if lan proof means anything.
When it's BYOP(C) Brin your own pc, nobody ever watches your dll's.
WH would be too obvious, but humanized on a very low lvl is hard to track.
Only when it's a lan pc, with keylogging and file logging in it, then you can almost be sure they are cheat proof, or get busted.

Look at what they did at the latest Halo lans. God, I laughed hard with that.
denk je echt dat ze gaan hacken op LAN? xD
Man, ik kan u zo late zien hoe izi dat is. Met een heel lage humanized bot, en je zet die cfg op hidden. dll checken ze toch nooit (in code) en je bent goed om eens lekker te gaan ownen. Tuurlijk, omdat de humanized echt laag staat, moet je nog altijd wel iets kunnen aimen. Maar je snapt me wel.
jij bent echt een zeveraar. Denkt ge nu echt dat da gaat werken?
Ex-cheaters, who get busted more as once, are to be ignored.

Hi hunti, **
wat boeit het als iemand cheat deze game is dood en bijna niemand wilt het meer spelen en het is een computer game who cares
Great argument. Even if im shit like hell I have enough knowledge to call him wallhacking scum.
dat score, pretty sure it was a tie
One the fu... hope can be Et Live
This project is dead since the beggining.