turbot vs bSTURZ (5089 views)

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cz milhAus
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nl Testi

CB ET 6on6 Ladder

CB ladder 6v6 Ultimate fighting
* bSTURZ at 1st place after 7 W streak
* Turbot Hungry for the lead
21.08.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Swanidius (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 27683
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 52


gl swanii & speculaaaa <33
clash of the noobs :s
pc still broken?
yup and no idea when i'm getting it back :/
me and twidi avi
u didnt mention for which team :<
fuchS beast
why he didnt play in team se ?
to easy for powi :)
good luck fi KirurG
im not eeKirurG or what ever country he was from ;<
they will lost this match because of testi he isn't on that level...
they will lost this match because of testi he isn't on that level...
you mad cause we dont want you on ts? we lost vs gMen because of your incapablity to stay behind the fops as medic and your incapability to give comms ingame:P

i'm sorry we dont want you as 6th, team decision
we all know that you are bad and u suck the cock of specula to play for bsruzz and before you always come at me crying to play offis with me

interesting, tell me more mate
for what I'll tell you more if all ET community know you are bad ...
lol and I still don't get it why u blame me cuz we lost to gMen cuz you were the worse on field .. no medicine to you
maybe you should make a journal on crossfire, and a movie in the moviesection explaining the rest of the community how bad i am with pointing out stupid things i do.
And in the journal you can write how bad i am cause im worse on field and i dont receive medicine then.
can see that you are a child by the conversation, I won't waste my time with that cuz you are shit and that's it keep getting carried CU
Agree with hans you are bad.

End of discussion.
cba to watch a full length movie...
You will always have my medicine.
gMen > bSTURZ

Nothing to be ashamed of
timbolina making people mad :D
hf bsturz
dafuq did i just read LOL
I bet on mil mAus coz i dont think
carried by kresti prolly good bet
oh that´s a old but still really good one
Good luck Swanidius ! :D!!
You have € 4000 on fi turbot
You won € 6320
You have € 4659 on fi turbot
You won € 7361.22
You have € 3450 on fi turbot
You won € 5451
Good game ! Watched that shit and was intense ! :D!
bench testi already
You have € 111 on fi turbot
You won € 175.38

expected !
You have € 250 on eu bSTURZ
You lost
You have € 787 on eu bSTURZ
You lost

noobs !!
no snatix no win
You have € 250 on fi turbot
You won € 395

T'es pas là on bet pas super engi :B
You have € 589 on bSTURZ
You lost
swani beast, almost highest dmg in his team
gg i was useless and shit. Didnt do nothing important or even damage.