aegrus vs TOTAL GAMING (2850 views)

nl mize
nl xPERiA
nl MOTiF
pl bAstek
tr rEINA
pl kuna

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
22.08.13 13:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: bAstekkk (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2537
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


playing once a week mise?
he's willing to share config, just ask (^.^)
nejm on gamestv:
n: xperia is a noob i beat him on every duel.
n: I am med+
makinfun4 on gtv:
imanidiot: im an idiot, i like my retarded sense of humor
imanidiot: ill put some fake quotes to look like xperia's cock sucker.
you said that , you always say that when you are surrounded with your low polish friends in ettv, if you want to deny it ok. Also everytime I tell you low+ you start comparing yourself to xperia "with my team i always own xperia, highest dmg and win him every duel".
xperia´s cocksucker? What l0l he can jump off a cliff that nerd, still he is no low+, unlike you mad poltard n00b! Cry yet?
shut up

Do you have IRC?
Or do you know what it is?

If you know it, wich you should. I'm sorry to ask such stupid questions as mentioned here above.
But /q Glenn me in 2 (and a half hours (=05:30 PM CEST)).

It's important.
uh? if your virgin friend wants my ip just ask for it , I shall provide.
Just have to talk with you.

And who is my virgin friend?
All my mates, excluding family are not virgin anymore except two, unless they went to a bordel without telling me, which could be the truth for one of them.
But surely you couldn't meant those guys.
So whom you're on about?
Come on irc, mate.
I am not your mate stfu.
If you want something pm me on gamestv, or stfu.
Scared I prove who you are?
Because we both know, I know.

Just want to prove it with some nice screenshots.

Making drama everywhere. fu, really.
Yes, I did that too against cheaters and Ohurcool, who seems to think he does alot for et.
But you're just pathetic. making second account, just so you can make more drama here.
wtf , who are you and wtf are you talking about lil virgin.
I made a 2nd account because I dont remember the password for the other one because itsssss too old.
I also said, if you want my IP just ask for it, not sure what you are trying to prove superhero.
you did what to cheaters and ohurcool? also what drama ?
well, who are you thn?
You seem to have a rather unhealthy obsession with me, mentioning my name in nearly every conversation you have both here and on CF... Maybe it's time to see a therapist?
maybe he loves you
How are u anyway :) its been a while
I'm great, how bout you? :P Been a while indeed!
ye im also fine, missing this game a bit, though all i read is that only morons and the usual ultra nerds are left :P but might be up for some 3o3s some time, just to replay the good old times :D ( na,biste mad?)
Sounds good! PM me on IRC some time if you want. :P
lol this madness nejm is a med+ beast get over it noob
motif 4444