Supski vs greejtsjot (5782 views)

gb fumble
gb owzo
gb ScarZy
ca rito
se Tites
nl Adeto
be Azur
be Buzzer
be rznje
be eron
be xAeee
si Aniky

CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013
Second League
LB Round 3

01.09.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12587
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


gl xAeee !
gl nerds
Shoutout mAus,mystic,butchji,Anderson and fumble!
nice lu! would prolly replace mAus tho
Hey, I can 100% not play this, Ill be back Monday or Tuesday, shoutout rito.
r u here this time nerd?
Why are you calling your teammate a nerd? I hope for you that this won't affect his gameplay.
When has anything affected fumble?
Thanks koop, but ritos comments deeply hurt :'(
He must know that to gain greatness you have to wait.

and you..are greatness
no artstar no win
owzo the best <3
Gl greejtsjotters!
gl xaeee!!

No eron, no win
10e on Buzzer, je vais venir te voir pr une fois <3
tu vas finir avec un cancer des yeux si tu le spec trop :S
-ViKO :S
If you need me I can make it to bucharest by tomorrow and play dis match
You have € 30 on eu supski
Possible win: € 110.1

dont disappoint me tites!

just so you know, I put all my money on the oppo
ggs wp!
With that nade, you have to get the spammity spam spam award
Loser... Loser bracket final ?!


één mapke heb ik het kunnen volhouden met die lag, erna was ik het toch echt beu :p
want die hebben gisteren avond een vorm van reset gedaan rond 22:00
Ja, telenet, maar ik had de meeste problemen omstreeks 21:30 denk.. Of was die reset toen miss ook al bezig ?
tis best da ik nie gespeelt heb :p want kging ook lag hebbn
geen idee. Ik heb het pas gechekt 2 na 10.
Ik was ook met offi bezig en had wa spikes.
Origineel dacht ik dat men pa weer bezig was, maar toch ff gecheckt. En zag dat het teletet was.