Echelon vs SSTAT (2580 views)

pl Elviss
pl w1lko
pl nejm
fr Apricot
fi latee
pl tramp

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
25.08.13 17:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Andrej3 (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
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Total Pot: € 2133
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


Izi sstat... Nejm playing
Opponent wouldn't win for shit if I wasn't lagging all the focking time ... this is focking shit ...
you are shit low whiner
You are a focking beast and a skilled person. You have to be gifted. <3

Me I'm ugly as fock ... no life ... and I'm even low on ET losing to Elivss with 999 ping all the time.

finalement tu t'en rends compte, mieux vaut tard que jamais comme on dit :)