alliancze blue team vs (7076 views)

cz malfoy
cz c4p
cz mnewcko
cz tezaxo
cz caybro
cz pecka
cz Sklamak
fi caej
fi metikki
fi toogi
fi pannari
fi geffi
fi janarii

CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013
Fourth League
Grand Final

fi has to win twice!

First game: 0-4 techno
Second game: 4-2 allicze
02.09.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: wenm (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 13296
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


gl h$
5th league OC incomming!
....fuck yeeh
gogo alliancze
gl pecka!

gl&hf a zkuste prohrat zidi!
gl vammane pannari
protoze vetsina z nas nehrala minimalne 2 tydny tak by bylo fajn kdyby jsme se v nedeli slezli a dali jednu nebo dve hry aby jsme nevypadali jako uplni suldove
Avi kdyby byla nouze :D
priste napis smsku, oh wait zadne priste nebude :D
ani jsme se hrát tuto hru na chvíli
you gotta love Google translator :o)
:) btw we have same word for yes but we say it short just "jo"
nice fucked up :D
if you want to translate something from finish to czech (by google) you need to translate to english first cose czech is pretty difficult like one of the most difficult languages in the world for example you wrote this:
"neither are play this game in moment"
gl alliancze blue Heroes
diky az budeme prebirat trofej za 4 ligu tak na tebe vzpomenu v projevu :D
diky,diky ..budu ti vdecnej!
gl pannari
gl sklamak :)
shut the fuck up vein
shut the fuck up vein
shut the fuck up vein
vein up fuck the shut
thx :) I play fourth and fifth map :) :)
good luck pecka!, come back to public soon <3
the game still alive whaat
co tu sakra dela malfoy, zalez zpátky do hrobu! :D
PS:ale když už teda ty mozkozroute potrebujes hrat, tak glhf :p
Gl sklamak
thx thx :) ja gram 4,5 mapa :))
photo before the game - alliancze players busted!
techno practising hard (cs:go)
Not these guys again -.-
malfoy fuckin beast !!11
gg :) Sklamak join and win match :))
sklamak fuckin beast !!11
c4p so bad :-(
nice match but the better won 4:6 :DDD
uhm that score...
Best team lost
- "Mourinho"
You have € 150 on cz allicze
You won € 229.5

Tak se priznejte kdo me ddosnul abych to sklamaka stridal
tak jo fajn byl jsem to ja uz jsem se nemohl divat na to jak to pecka kurvi......ajo kdo vylagoval tebe tak to fakt nevim :D
jsem si to myslel! Podly tehdy, podly ted, aspon doufam zes to prihlasil uz do oc tam ti s bilou ukazu, sice one man army, ale stejne, bez tzacu a pb to pude
nechtej abych hral ja proti tobe :P takove to wehacko a aimbot a neskrtnes ti :) :DD jen to frci :)):D
"My team may have lost but as an individual player I never lose"


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