Controlled Gaming vs Controlled Gaming v2 (5593 views)

us Equanimity
fi dTEC7
pl laykaina
ca CrimZon
us HipKat
de reQuiem
gb Element
fi BossHK
be Glenn
nl Alexandra
de uNdeAd
gb Prodigy

CB ET 6on6 Ladder
01.09.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mccloud (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6372
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


Favourites coz big dog there
You have € 10 on eu cTRL-
Possible win: € 18.8
You have € 136 on eu cTRL- Cancel bet
Possible win: € 255.68
You have € 30 on eu cTRL-
Possible win: € 55.2
Gl Glenn!
3 Americans on the same team??? Oh boy....
Pretending to act like its bad but secretly liking it cuz omen
gl both and hf!
you need to come on more often, so we can play some offi to roll some nerds :D
oh dear me...
Gnome not avi, so lineup changed, for those who are planning to bet
#1 instant favourites now
gl beuNDEAD
gl xAv
I'm not even playing but thanks

no shit man so is this belgium undead
alex gonna roll
nerds NERDS ALL FUCKIN NERDS! goodluck alexandra i love youuuuuuuu <333

and I fucking like it
inb4 lesbian sex
Aaaaw i misssed itttt :( Bet you did awesome thoo ;) <333333
Who is captain of my team?

inb4 Fanatic gets confused again! 2 BossHK's in different teams.
I am apparantely
As long, you don't get mad when we fail to push out on 15 sec before spawn; while enemy is near you. We're cool.
Yeah my bad, when my team is afraid to take on two people with pistols on full spawn, forgot that your aim is too shit

Trolled hard
No problem mate, we all make mistakes.
and btw: we're gonna roll your team.
Best tactic: get dtect full.

Need to bribe someone, to tk him or something.

And who made those teams btw?
Would have loved to put my random generator on it :(
might need you because omen's power will be out :(
remember i haevnt played in a month :P
If Omen isn't playing. crimz is playing for Omen?

Sounds fair
nuubeja kaikki
Member Since 25th July 2013

viilee tarina veli
Good luck teccie friend, nerds need to get raped.
needs more havoc and gamma
all eyes on requiem
1st offi all eyes on me? plz not -.-
i agree.
He is my underdog in this game.

gl req!
haha laykaina. HF controled v2
my eyes on reQuiem ;-)
defo gonna watch this
Best you don't, we do not want anyone going into a septic shock because one cannot tell the difference between BossHK and dTEC7
Quote by Hellfag Thursday, 29th August 2013 23:07
inb4 Fanatic gets confused again! 2 BossHK's in different teams.
Fucking nerds really
Latest Comments
• hahaha fucking nerds
• Hahaha oh god how this community is so stupid, u dont think im playing? stupid
• Fucking nerds, after 3+ years you still play in 5th league, rofl
• Why would you reply like that you fucking retard? 1337? You fucking nerd go outside plea...|
• Fucking nerds really
• Yo redface, you bought that fucking sunscreen yet? ugly fuck
• What the fuck, dont u have a fucking job or a school to go to? fucking retards go outside
Hi Weslann.
You disappoint me mate, I was hoping you would cheer this one for me.
he has a small brain, the only vocabulary he has is "fucking nerds" "retards" and "go outside" I feel bad for him actually, he probably needs to be fed by his mom still.
go outside fucking retarded nerd
How's the lifetime ban going for you mate?
gl crimzon lad I'll be here in spirit if you play
GL Glenn
GL boss
you played well. ;)
Surely deryn will be glad ;)
More deaths, too
You have € 500 on eu #CTRL.d
You lost
never bet on hipkat :)