Electrostatic Discharge vs Controlled Gaming (9679 views)

08.09.13 21:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29
Viewer Peak: 29

izi control and their annoying ass rifle :)
if matt plays then its too easy, if not, its still :)
and hf lunaa :)
and hf lunaa :)
we'll see
what if i play :O
no ipod, yes win.
no difference ipod cmon dont be silly
okay :(
you are so pessimistic :<
You have 1458 on eu #CTRL.d Cancel bet
Possible win: 3528.36
go cTRL own these ugly americans
izi win for bosshk best aimer ET :)
You have 1458 on eu #CTRL.d Cancel bet
Possible win: 3528.36
go cTRL own these ugly americans
izi win for bosshk best aimer ET :)
Shut up crono.
ok rito
1st parker and now rito you and mccloud are going too far on the insults i though we were kewl dawg
I Talk shit about ctrl just cuz of mccloud, im sure everyone else are normal ppl, for example i love lunaa, but this fucking nerd dumbfuck is the most retarded gamer in the world, god...
I mean how can he talk shit bout crono when crono is like 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times better in this game, and even if he wouldn't be, how can u ever fight over something that happens in a 10 years old game which noone plays anymore. Im sure this douchetard looks like a piece of shit irl too, sitting on his computer 24 fucking 7
He should shut the fuck up, realize that hes low skilled in this game and will never get better and play for fun like i do.
I mean how can he talk shit bout crono when crono is like 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times better in this game, and even if he wouldn't be, how can u ever fight over something that happens in a 10 years old game which noone plays anymore. Im sure this douchetard looks like a piece of shit irl too, sitting on his computer 24 fucking 7
He should shut the fuck up, realize that hes low skilled in this game and will never get better and play for fun like i do.

yes you did, you read every single thing on gtv boi
cTRL valt wel mee, de meesten toch.
You have 40 on us *|*
Possible win: 69.6
Go discharge, own these ugly euros
izi win for the future parker and inner sense padawan crono :)
Possible win: 69.6
Go discharge, own these ugly euros
izi win for the future parker and inner sense padawan crono :)
how can u be so retarded?
At least I don't have my tongue in everyone's ass like you do. congrats for making it into the NA scene in 2013, unwanted kid, I don't like FA but there's one thing I agree with them on, you're a little immature brat with a big mouth, I hope you die alone somewhere and never have a proper funeral.
how u mean na scene? im not even in the scene, im playing with them cuz its fun dickhead, if i wanted to be in a scene i would play with eu, cuz et is eu smartpants. 10 or less good na players left and ur far from being one of them. i think everyone, except ur teammates agree that you suck in et, when are you going to realize that?
I giggled
I giggled
Post a pic of you please
Don't fap too hard now
Don't fap too hard now
I giggled
I will call you skeletor for now on XDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddd
i'll stay with faggot
You're a badass
You're a badass

10 or less good na players left? last i checked no one from USA or CA nc lineups r still playing so who are u referring too?
he just likes to lick ass much as possible
Are you saying that crono is the future Parker?
avi for this too
and on which server will this be played?
eu west?
and on which server will this be played?
eu west?
EU East or Nordic..
Russian or Turkish server?
is this going to be a 7v7 :O !?!
I count as at least 10 so
bonne chance madame ruskov
zijt ki nie zo gehecht aan da teampje me die mong in aub :DD
Ma da accent van u!
Ge kunt het zelfs type!
Nee, kweet ni goe wa ik ga doen.
Ik wordt toch gebencht, omdat ik ofwel nooit kan wanneer zei kunnen, ofwel omdat ze me te slecht vinden.
Dus miss wel oc doen met ander teampje.
maar momenteel niet echt veel zin in et. Te veel cheaters atm.
kijk maar naar die puttu...
Ge kunt het zelfs type!
Nee, kweet ni goe wa ik ga doen.
Ik wordt toch gebencht, omdat ik ofwel nooit kan wanneer zei kunnen, ofwel omdat ze me te slecht vinden.
Dus miss wel oc doen met ander teampje.
maar momenteel niet echt veel zin in et. Te veel cheaters atm.
kijk maar naar die puttu...
kijk maar naar mij --' en wat van me accent?:DD enjaa das wss die mkloot en die nerd van een boss met z'n topicje op cf :DD
laat al die nerds maar praten chilax xD tis nog steeds lachwekkend
ben der vet mee :))))))))))
oei kheb iets gemist denk ik?
Welke topic?
INTERNET IS OORLOG ~ Enemy Territory => wat een klucht.
Pff.. ik hou mer er buiten wat er allemaal gebeurt tussen jullie en 'iemand van ons'. Ik wil gewoon met nl en mijn mensen kunnen spelen, zonder al da drama altijd. Doet me er geen zin meer in hebben.
Welke topic?
INTERNET IS OORLOG ~ Enemy Territory => wat een klucht.
Pff.. ik hou mer er buiten wat er allemaal gebeurt tussen jullie en 'iemand van ons'. Ik wil gewoon met nl en mijn mensen kunnen spelen, zonder al da drama altijd. Doet me er geen zin meer in hebben.
Ja die boss had toch zo'n nerd page op crossfire?:D met alle instellingen, das echt nerd xd ja ik ben gebant op cb enzo :) dus metmij kan je alvast nie :( kvind het ook zever geworden, die admins trekken op niets meer. ze mogen m'n pc controleren, kheb geen hacks :):)
Laat ze dat dan doen?
Installeer teamviewer en ze kunnen alles bezien.
Vertel dat tegen de admins. Als je echt clean bent, is dat het ultieme bewijs.
(zo deden ze dat soms op Jaymod)
Of anders doe zoals mij: speel nu af en toe een andere game :p
lol is echt wel nog chill :p
Installeer teamviewer en ze kunnen alles bezien.
Vertel dat tegen de admins. Als je echt clean bent, is dat het ultieme bewijs.
(zo deden ze dat soms op Jaymod)
Of anders doe zoals mij: speel nu af en toe een andere game :p
lol is echt wel nog chill :p
ja tuurlijk dat ik onbekenden op m'n pc ga laten.. ze kunne virussen binnebrengen/zelf ne hack opzetten en me zo nog erger busten.. no way :D en LOL suckt echt vind ik persoonlijk :D ik zoek wel een ander :):) xd
gl vein :)
no [flag=uk]SL no win

gl bN
Can't play from Spain m8 soz
bosshk and gnome in 6th league?

idd, they should be in 7th
being the best team of 5th league is like winning the special olympics lol
what is it like being the 2nd best team of 5th league tho
Would be something similar to this:

avi for this foreigner
omgomg gl hobbit faggot , vein faggot ( if he plays ) and mccloud
Electrostatic Discharge vs Controlled Gaming (2004 views)
:D? more than some EC games
:D? more than some EC games
not really :P
yes, actually.
give me 2 examples!
ok :(
here's a nice song to boost your morale
i have no friends, i have no friend, i have a dent ... in my head
sucks that u commented,
u might just end up on their lu
along with rockstar
u might just end up on their lu
along with rockstar
Well this game has been showing on gtv list for 1 or 2 week(s) already.
That is because you are refreshing this fucking site 24/7
lol getting suspended from this site and 1 min after you are unbanned you are still talking this random shit everywhere on gamestv
u sad cunt
u sad cunt
lol i got unbanned at the 5th mate, i think we all know that you are the sad cunt here tho
gl bG <3
vitu vammaset _D
Sup Dawg'Orange?
gl crono
Goodluck Tomun & BossHK, know you guys can show a decent match ;)
Won't be here :(
no vein no win :(
i totally agree
remove gnome from the lineup please, and lunaa is bored with et again so remove her as well
crimzon if you reading this come ctrl ts
god if you reading this make me more muscular
ohurcool if you reading this go fuck yourself
electro wont win this, they playin some nerds lol
tihs comment gave me eye cancer but ur actualy right sadly
CrimZon ca to lineup
Gl guys
izi control and their annoying ass rifle :)
fucken told u foreigner
Are these pliers sharp? Also Known As Rito 9 deaths without fragging
Are these pliers sharp? Also Known As Rito 9 deaths without fragging
i wouldn't talk if i were you.... you getting almost every single active NA player on your roster so they can play instead of you. even though it's your team.....
And you cheated on TZAC.
good come back.
It was pretty damn good if you really cheated with about 40 active players in this game.
i did. boo hoo, two years ago.
still better than you.
You're better than me or crono is? Because you're not. Crono is better than me, and I wasn't seriously calling him a shit player. I was talking to him on vent when I wrote that, so you can stop sucking his dick so he'll play for your shit team.
In response to your earlier reply about how I'm getting every active NA player to play for my team so I don't have to play, you're a complete fucking moron. There are two players on our roster that weren't already playing with us when this cup started, sandbag and matt. I don't play for the team because I don't play 6s, and even if I did, there are better players that me on the team, why shouldn't they play?
In response to your earlier reply about how I'm getting every active NA player to play for my team so I don't have to play, you're a complete fucking moron. There are two players on our roster that weren't already playing with us when this cup started, sandbag and matt. I don't play for the team because I don't play 6s, and even if I did, there are better players that me on the team, why shouldn't they play?
lmfao bitch please. i think we got another sneak/kieth/kArl here. AHAHAHA
good come back.
you are bad as what nigga what u talking about u are none on the ET scene keep sucking cock arround to get your players and and go fuck yourself fucking deep throat mother fucker
crono a shit player? lmfao, he could do a 1v6 against 5 more of you and win. lmfao
fuckin cunt
fuckin cunt
O////////////// GOLDEN POCAL PARTY HARD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O
O////////////// GOLDEN POCAL PARTY HARD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O
gratz on gold pocal m8
You have 1250 on eu #CTRL.d
You won 1787.5
You won 1787.5
[16:05] Foreigner: that wasn't CrimZon.
[16:05] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: lol
[16:05] Foreigner: who was it?
[16:05] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: it was crimzon
[16:05] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: who else
[16:06] Foreigner: crimzon doesn't play like that
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: LMAO
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: <16:04:09> "[CrimZon] CrimZon" disconnected (leaving)
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: http://www.tsviewer.com/index.php?page=userhistory&ID=971112
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: CA flag
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: gg
[16:05] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: lol
[16:05] Foreigner: who was it?
[16:05] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: it was crimzon
[16:05] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: who else
[16:06] Foreigner: crimzon doesn't play like that
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: LMAO
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: <16:04:09> "[CrimZon] CrimZon" disconnected (leaving)
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: http://www.tsviewer.com/index.php?page=userhistory&ID=971112
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: CA flag
[16:06] ~ E Q U A N I M I T Y ~: gg
private logs enjoy ban from internet and FBI
how did i play ? : (
Equanimity (Latin: æquanimitas having an even mind; aequus even animus mind/soul) is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind.
a bit ironic
a bit ironic
O////////////// GOLDEN POCAL PARTY HARD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O
Red Shirt Also Known As Rito 95 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? Also Known As Rito 9 deaths without fragging
wp crono learn to carry
Are these pliers sharp? Also Known As Rito 9 deaths without fragging
wp crono learn to carry
lmao told u we were gonna lose hard but foreigner didnt listen XD
pourquoi t'utilise mon nom au juste?
hahah tou le monde mappel rito je sais pas pk fak jai utiliser sa xdddd
You have 10 on eu #CTRL.d
You won 14.3
You won 14.3

You have 180 on eu #CTRL.d
You won 257.4
You won 257.4
You have 250 on eu #CTRL.d
You won 357.5
You won 357.5
You have 100 on eu #CTRL.d
You won 143
You won 143
GET EM TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET EM TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wipe out
wipe out
quite gay to use my name when u r being useless, wp ctrl
wp rito