stoereBoyz vs eXecutors (2933 views)

be r4pz
be Jerreuh
nl base
be dooppi
si Kwiz
si forsaken
si m1tja

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
29.08.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Kwiz (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ufo_final
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Total Pot: € 1662
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl executors
gl storeboyz, hope u will take thisone.
i'm not sure,, but i think we'll lose this?:D
rana scared

RaNA!: i got an emergency, i have to go sorry
ChilAx.: fucking noob
<This user is now offline>
this is canncelled :) wont be played..
trolled bro :)
ye and we rolled
ye and do i look like i care?
no you dont but you were speccing on GTV , means you could plaly aswell, you nerd
the fuck :o?
lows even doppi couldnt help you, rapz u r shit even with ur aimbot gg
Look at dmg XD base w/o aimbot is even worse that jerreuh :D
No, it was shit, was looking obvious even on low settings
They need a proof, as long as tzac website doesnt work, they cannot into check these bans.
nejm watchout im cheating 2..
i dont care about u and ur ban. I dont feel like waste even single minute to proove that u were cheating.
Ask any admin if i tried to bust somebody.
well since the banned players cannot play, it means tzac serv is connected to cheaters database, so it means tzac is at the moment online and not only client. Anyway there are logs for bans :) besides if tzac wouldnt be online we couldnt even login and play... so i guess it is some kind of renovation of tzac or some stupid bullshit going on.
Cool story bro, come xfire
No i cant.
Well he is very shit , so i cant see any reason to call him a cheater nejmm8
Polak has to shut up and get a life :)