uQuk #force'gaming vs Underground Gaming (3977 views)

nl Smoke
nl Impulz
tr kaZer
it neve
dk Squash
fi Blindi-
be Mika
be nuNca
be w0lf@x
be Jeje
be KaZe
fr Tsu

be uGaming : 12th | nl uQuk #force'gaming : 7th
17.03.08 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: X-Radius (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
Supply Depot

Total Pot: € 1691
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
fr #Gamerz-Connexion TV II
By: dr4g (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Tsu ??? :O
retro4u.de must win !!!
GL uG nuNca <3 les autres aussi mais moins :D
Easy for uG, :]
ez 4 uG imo ^^ go critik tsu & mika !!
nuNca grote vriend Suc6 :D
gl hf
GL critik, jeje et xAv :)
termi will win
<3 be CriTiK <3 be nuNca <3

own plS! :D
gl KaZe , one of the best belgium player !
retro e-z bash .... it's not 2 players that make teams win!!!!!!!!!!!!! -_-
critik doesnt playing? wtf? arm broken? sad panda
Hi american, nais engillsh
i'm not american, i'm french but when i write in my firm who is a international company, my location is USA :D and yes i got a nice frengrish .
Line up Retro - 4u.de

¬ Andy 'Smokey' Tummers
¬ Sven 'Impulz' Polkamp
¬ Eren 'kaZer' Babaoglu
¬ Tommy 'neve' Sala
¬ Steffan 'Squash' Jørgensen
¬ Simo 'Blindi-' Pyöriä
Dont know this guys :<
no match
admin plz take this off
lol ! noob
what are you talking about ?
they got kicked out there multigamingclan so they aint on that cb account anymore so no match
#uQuk schedule new match vs them on new account
ye admin cancel it