Second Massachusetts vs Happy Tree Friends (5156 views)

04.09.13 19:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Braundorf_b4 | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16
Viewer Peak: 16

gl brygada sms :DxD
i trust in you guys :ddd
You have 47 on eu HTF Cancel bet
Possible win: 105.28
You have 47 on eu HTF Cancel bet
Possible win: 105.28
Chilax why you don't play? :D : D :D
et = death anyway:) only the next cup will get teams :) after that its death :)
dude what I've read is false right? Tell me it's bullshit please
just saw you were banned for wh and bot. Tell me you didn't cheat maaan
there is a demo ;) i need more viewers.. support me :D but.. nah i didnt cheat. But ye, who am I to tell that? nobody believe me :...
you cheated so obviousl that you could just shut your kidface.
umid?????? clean shoes and stfu!
so if you didnt cheat show us your own demos from matches..and we'll believe you..inb4 i didnt record
'inb4 i didnt record' ye.. i didnt record that day :) Sometimes its autorecord.. sometimes not.. :)
"sometimes autorecord.. sometimes not"
now we all know u r cheater u braincripple belgiumfaggot die XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
now we all know u r cheater u braincripple belgiumfaggot die XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Well.. thats something in my cfg ;) and if i exec my cfg its autorecord. But if i put it out( bv: Irc war) and i dont close my ET for connect to an OFFI, its still not recording) get brain
unlucky exacly on that war u didnt put it...very unluckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
enjoy ur ban m8
enjoy ur ban m8
Lets play a fucking fagot 'that thinks he's funny' on a death game :)!
death game :)
Kannst du even lift bruder?

to bad that autorecord after executing cfg doesn't work sometimes :(
But i believe you now, I think your clean. Ohurcool go for unban man.
i said after EXEC CFG that it works!!! but if i do /stoprecord and i stay on ET.. And dont close my ET for connect to Server of the offi.. Its still not recording.. read evrything bro
oh u aint chillyy but u are chillax??
Unban him already like u did Arnii !!!!!!!!
this guy is clean
Unban him already like u did Arnii !!!!!!!!
this guy is clean
I'm chill mate :) but not if they link me with hacking..
So it means ur not chilled now :)
but but Isn't supposed that you record your demos at offis?
some offis i got on demo ye, and ask 100ppl,, 90 will not have a demo mate :)!
I am asking you and not 90 others tnx for counting them btw. Nice excuse there, 90 ppl cheat I will also... stfu bro ur annoying me now
Dont reply then :DD I'm wrong, it was 89 ppl..
No i dont have demo of that DAY! And i'm sure kitt doesnt have a demo too :) so what are you saying about ISNT IT SUPPOSED TO....
No i dont have demo of that DAY! And i'm sure kitt doesnt have a demo too :) so what are you saying about ISNT IT SUPPOSED TO....
GTV is good evidence, why should kitt need demo if there is gtv demo?
Kitt does a nice Vid.
Why you dont looking it?
here we see.
Chilax must be clean :D... or not
Why you dont looking it?
here we see.
Chilax must be clean :D... or not
you wanna have my demos? thats no problem since my brain is working sometimes :S
Shut it, provoking piece of shit
hm? he asked if i recoreded this match which i did... i know you luve me :S
ill pick you up fridaynight at 8, x
Wat zeg jij nu, grafkop. xx
morgen school?:DDDDD
Ey stelletje graftakken, stopt eens met die olifantenletters
Nice vid! :) Must say only an idiot is playing with wallhack that obviously.. anyways luckily the guy sucks even with wh, good that he's busted. Retards will be retards.
hahaahahaahahahahaahahahaahahahaha are you that antzi that's low-??? ooh wait ye i think so
never actually played against you and now I think I really never will :) You can call me whatever you want, but I can bet on it, that you never even reached the skill level of low-. if you suck that hard even with wallhack's on your side.. :) can't really understand anymore why's there still some teams that are actually willing to play against base and his mates, I mean after all their history of playing with cheaters is kinda long by now. Actually I don't even understand why I'm wasting my time with such a low douche like you're. Well, you really can't hate retards, some say they're special.. maybe in their own retarded way, have a nice day or what's left of it.
I agree base is out of this.
Ok cuz i'm busted Chaos and other teams were i played are 'hackers' too or what? c'mon boy!! nice brain..
and.. 9/10 for this btw
some teams that are actually WILLING to play against base and his mates
and.. 9/10 for this btw
some teams that are actually WILLING to play against base and his mates
Yep have a nice day.. (whats left of it) yee.. i only play ET. i dont have social life:) c'mon retard..
you just admited cheating m8 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Just saying that it's kinda funny you've played with these "randoms" a lot and you say you didn't know they weren't clean? Sounds like bullshit to me, but whatever. I have never doubted jerk for example, but it is true that even the good players who ain't cheating will get a bad reputation if they play with a lot of cheaters (which you guys have done, don't know if you knew about it or not..) and when you get that reputation eventually none in this community or what's left of it won't play against you. Regardless about the fact if you cheat or not. Period.
tl;dr please stop Antz1 who cares XD
antzi tard, mckloot tard
antzi, stfu u dont know anything about me (a random) or those teams of base :) so stfu! (ooh and wait.. they still got a good reputation,, you know why?? cuz i'm not a cheater :):) )) and some ppl know it. but why i am replying this shit ??? its already 5 days the same bullshit
I hope that this ban you got finally showed you a way to get out of this "no social life". :)
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD still have a social life mate
I'm just simply getting something to do for the rest of the evening... this seems to be the funniest way to spend some time. Arguing with this guy just makes my "no social life" much more interesting xD
awww, upset you I see

if you read that comment once again, hopefully you'll understand that I just said "I hope you got your social life back" just in other words :)
there were others aswell, but yeah whatever can't bother to make a list of them xD
nice reply, wasn't even meant for you.
get a brain ;p
get a brain ;p
Hmmmm, go to your online girlfriend :) have fun with her!! touch her, oh wait..
You were the only case during TZAC's downfall who was way too obvious..
that's why only you are banned and the rest can still play
that's why only you are banned and the rest can still play
well. come to belgium and look at my pc :) jesus :) manmanman.. achja tis een eer om gebant te worden zonder hacks :) een low+'ertje mag eens niet med- spelen of die hackt al.. ja de mannetjes volgen op de muren .. doe eens bij iedereen r shownormals :) ufo en grush al 10000x gspeeld :) met spawntime werken / coms /sounds ..
Gast, jij was gewoon té obvious, juist omdat je low+ ben kan je het niet hiden
ja gloof me maar niet :) tjah boeie, der zate mss 3 dingetjes bij dat je kon denken, hmm die kan wh hebben..
ye timbo go to belgium and look at his pc wtf
said the one that got an Aimbot movie(bust-neverused with other name) on yt :)
what are you talking about? i'm cheating and i dont need stupid excuses like u
and what you know about me? stfu polak.. pleas,, u dont even know my name, so stfu
Yes, he dont even knows ur name, like it matters :D anyway, u are right, polaks are stupid, and cheaters and people just hatin on u cause u were rollin so hard.
ye, if he can give me his address ill take a visit representing a clanbase admin
ill check his pc thouroughly, because on my arrival, he will of course not have removed his wallhack alreadyXDDDDDDD
ill check his pc thouroughly, because on my arrival, he will of course not have removed his wallhack alreadyXDDDDDDD
ja begin maar zo :DDDD tegenwoordig kan je zien wat je gdaan hebt/ en verwijdert :)
Zo hebben ze ook kunnen concluderen wat jij gedaan hebt en ban je banned
Ik zie precies wanneer iemand maar wat bluft of het meent dat hij onterrecht gebanned is, en jij lult maar wat dom, terechte ban dus. cu in 12 months
Ik zie precies wanneer iemand maar wat bluft of het meent dat hij onterrecht gebanned is, en jij lult maar wat dom, terechte ban dus. cu in 12 months
Kbent gwn moe vint,, ja .. waar is het bewijs dan.. ze zegge al dagen dat ze meer bewijs hebben, waar is het?? aub,, ik ben wel zeker van m'n stuk datk nie heb gehackt ma boeie :) zeker nie in offis man, das low alsj dat doet CU IN 12 MONTHS INDD, this is death,, only 10teams MAX playing offis on random days :)
"zeker niet gehackt in offis" hmmm
je kent me he,, datk altijd wil reageren :D lovieeees <3
& timbo :) ja.. lees je goed :) ja concludeer nu maar dat ik hack op irc warretjes dan.. pff ja zo blijven we bezig :) nja je hebt wat je wilt :) have a nice ETdeathLife :)
& timbo :) ja.. lees je goed :) ja concludeer nu maar dat ik hack op irc warretjes dan.. pff ja zo blijven we bezig :) nja je hebt wat je wilt :) have a nice ETdeathLife :)
Kan mij ET schelen, doe alleen chill gamen met wat homeboys
Succes op school!
Succes op school!
etdeath life :)
mij kan Et ook nie veel schelen :) ik weet dat ik niet hackte punt :
Bedankt! Jij ook op school/werk eh!
Bedankt! Jij ook op school/werk eh!
Thanks moet wel lukken ja. Ach, de mens is nieuwsgierig, mag je best eens hacken. Zal mij een worst wezen
"elke dag dezelfde onzin" ????????????????????
Jah een mens MAG wel eens hacken.. Ma ik hack nie, mjaa jullie mogen denken wat jullie willen.. Ik word toch nie unbanned jammer genoeg. & ja.. Kvind gewoon jammer dat het op die manier moet :p mja laat 't nu gwn/D
Ja maar dat komt omdat ET de grootste tering community ooit heeft, alleen maar huil en whine
daar geef ik je gelijk in.. Ik zelf doe het ook vaak mja, komt doordat iedereen stoer doet achter pc enja.. Wat doe je eraan he?:D
Kzal morgen eens zende. Maar het heeft geen nut, ohurcool ging me details geven 5dagen geleden. nog steeds niets :) .
Kzal morgen eens zende. Maar het heeft geen nut, ohurcool ging me details geven 5dagen geleden. nog steeds niets :) .
XD I Just can't stop looking at this discussion. Go on!:D
ist leuk jaaaaaa???
izi SM
DAT MIREK!!! awesome :DDD
You have 250 on pl sm
You won 370
ez moneh
You won 370
ez moneh
Enjoyed reading all this shit!
Niks mis mee voor de woensdagavond.
Moet kunnen toch?:D
3/10 enjoyed the read.
enjoyed this dick no homo
I bet that 3/10 is cause its 75% dutch :) otherwise you should give it a 9.5 or 10/10

why are you a fucking duitsker?
"Ich bin ein Berliner!"