digit gaming vs gentleMen (4840 views)

us ipod
us curses
pl Cisy
si Aniky
be Azur
nl Adeto

CB ET 3on3 Ladder

Showmatch for upcoming OpenCup
12.09.13 02:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: litoriousJ (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 2312
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 5


my nigga ipod will destroy
curs3s still better player than crono because he actually gibs.
Cisy nice teamplay, keep it up
gg wp mccloud you couldnt have done any better nice showmatch

why do you call out ppl when ur shit lmfao
u mad? french faggot, I was not in the mood for this shit, I played because ipod needed a player. check your stats on our last game. how can someone have 4 gibs total in 2 maps on a 6on6 :D?

Played at least 2 times better than u did on our last game. you're just a useless rambo seeking damage
/care lmao u guys praticed so hard all week to beat us and we were 3 players short from original lineup XD and u fucking dare to call us tryhards LOL
yes because pracing = gibbing and other useless rambo acts.

you're boring the shit out of me, overrated player
oh yeah mccloud the most underated player of ET rank 1 on trackbase = skillz ur so tryhard that u care about ur shitty ranking on a dead game :>
I don't need to be the most underrated player nor do I have to be med+ to see that you're just a useless rambo that is overrated because people like to lick alot of ass these days. + I did not call you a tryhard, element and dtec did cuz we were just raping your team with a panzer + a covie, and it was funny as fuck to see you guys struggling and trying on 1 min remaining on supply. They were trolling.

brb shining gold medal
so many reasons why we lost and its not because ur any better LOL
bdmatt missing
hayzay didnt played since last offi playing new game
vein on laptop and terrible
tomun just WTF? new mouse or whatever with even fewer gibs than me (hows that even possible)
empty made us change server to somewhere i swore to never play again cause of terrible packetloss
try to do any better while ur team is getting naded over and over again by tryhards id love to see you playing for electro on that match LOL
come 6o6 rematch with 6 active players
ego hurt now you're upset. my job is done :)

ca crono Thursday, 29th August 2013 15:01
izi control and their annoying ass rifle :)
not upset im actualy kinda amused to see how dumb u are XD this match should not reflect in any way shape or form your actual skill because u are so fucking bad srsly
"so many reasons why we lost and its not because ur any better LOL
bdmatt missing
hayzay didnt played since last offi playing new game
vein on laptop and terrible
tomun just WTF? new mouse or whatever with even fewer gibs than me (hows that even possible)
empty made us change server to somewhere i swore to never play again cause of terrible packetloss
try to do any better while ur team is getting naded over and over again by tryhards id love to see you playing for electro on that match LOL
come 6o6 rematch with 6 active players "

and you call me dumb? this is funny. I never read so many excuses for your rambo style and lack of gibs, BossHK is a rambo but at least he fucking gibs something. but you make fun of him like you are overall better than him LOL really ego of you to point out everyone but yourself. start tryharding your gibs instead of your damage and maybe you might reach the skill level of 5th league one day.

P.S you improved, 6 gibs in 3 maps your last offi.

P.S #2, I play on a laptop, so shit excuse is shit.

rematch or scured :<
Don't stop guys. Keep the flaming going!
Rematch you so you can prove what? did I say I am better than bdmatt, hayzay, vein etc? you're making up excuses for the whole team when I am pointing out YOUR lack of gibs and useless damage. then you have the nerve to make fun of others for example curses and BossHK who has done literally nothing but play this game :D?

I'm shit, but if i was so shit like you say, I wouldn't have double the kills and gibs you had. with still a decent amount of damage. whether you had bdmatt carrying you or not. you are overrated

If my team wants, we will rematch you so you can boost your ego some more. but that doesn't take away how useless you are in 6s.
as if your whole team wasnt carrying you in the first place lol against the slightly half decent oppo you do so bad and start accusing people of hacking so hilarious how much of a sad cunt you can be you dont even realise yet that you are the weakest link of your team ur so proud of winning a game vs 6 rambos without any strat or teamplay i still managed to get on top with a fullhold on goldrush and constant camping and nading lol everyone has negative dmg on my team and still no one on yours is outdmging me while trying so hard ... if the whole team had 9k on goldrush i dont see how we could have lost its just an overall team effort tactic and tryhardness i even told foreigner we were gonna get raped and i didnt wanted to play, 3 players missing and 1 inactive lol
"as if your whole team wasnt carrying you in the first place lol against the slightly half decent oppo you do so bad and start accusing people of hacking"

Stop reading after that, don't want a brain tumor from your shit :/
http://www.gamestv.org/event/40192-controlled-gaming-vs-the-wild-paradise/statistics/ LMFAO deryn 2 stronk <3333 failing so fucking hard on the winning side LOL ur terrible
Are you fucking retarded? If you had ANY idea how that game went, I was too busy getting one of their players banned, and hiding in places so their rifle can be obvious as fuck


6 May 2013, 04:48
bullshit its only vey good headset xDDD
fragg on Equanimity who camped into bushes was awsome :D:D:D::D"



I don't even know how you even got into NC, but then again people like weslann got in. so that's really no shock there.

you're a retard, no use commenting on your shit. you got upset because I pointed out curses gibs more than you, and that was my whole purpose because I know ego useless damage dealers like u would react in such a manner
OHHH KILL EM OHHH KILL EM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y2GA7w5NZs
every team needs their damage dealer
I agree, but when they don't gib, it's pretty useless.
the game is so dead everyone could be in canada NC, such an attention whore drama queen u always call out people why do u even mention weslann lmao stop ridding other ppls dick you probably feed yourself with drama on gamestv like a parasite everytime i look at this fucken site ur either talking shit to someone or being a total jackass lmao get a new hobby you low piece of shit rofl go raise your rank on jaymod please just leave etpro scene already
mad. you officially just made my point clear that I shouldn't take retards like you serious at all. and why I shouldn't comment on your shit
retards like you ... says the guy who honestly think hes decent at ET oh wow
And why should we take you serious mckloot
After all you are still the shit of this 'community'

Jesus fuck, crono would rape u and your fucking shit team any day, 2 bad you have to get players to carry you.
And yeah i got into NC, i see you talk about that everywhere and you seem to be jealous, i even finished 3rd.
Enjoy your 5th gold medal skinny nerd
Ahah mccloud get the fuck out
I approve this link
lmfaooo readin this shit funny
Here is your medal for finishing 3d http://www.gamestv.org/event/38835-usa-vs-sweden/
Better remember you forfeited your way to 3d place. Beta trash.
lmao got to it before me
well we almost got UFO, if that counts for something :)
if u was playing the match wouldnt have been so catastrophic
"if u WERE.."
Holy shit you just got grammar'd by shockz.
embarrassing im too french for this shiet
god damn 7 maps
True nerdsss
sjee, geen offense, maar jij zit hier ook om 5 over half 5 te commenten:P
wat doe je hier nog?
inb4 Ik kwam net uit de kroeg en checkte voor het slapen gaan even GTV.
Idd, ligt nu nog lekker te pitten omdat die geen ene fuck doet met zn leven.
sjee werkt in ploegendiensten, dus of hij heeft net nachtdienst gehad, of hij is net opgestaan om zich klaar te maken voor zn ochtenddienst. dank u daag
Kwerk ik ploegendiensten en had nachtdienst, vandaar :-)

maar als je potverdikke 7 maps speelt om 2 uur snachts ben je volgens mij niet helemaal lekker ;-)
Kan niet anders dan het daar mee eens zijn :D
i dont get why playing late at night during holidays makes you a nerd or w/e :]
Look at these times, and wtf at those 7 maps.

Go to your friends or go clubbing or something

fucking nerd
You gonna play 7 maps at those times
Hmm okeoke
I blame Azur, i wanted my beauty sleep but he didn't let me :(
0:14 XDD

btw, ipod is praccing hard :]
ahhaha nah man
just at work with nothing to do
oh Ipod
I'm surprised no Viko for this showmatch?
"Showmatch for upcoming OpenCup"
LOL you meant to say rapping for the upcoming opencup ???
holy shit guys..
i was at work lol
so we just fragged
'i was at work'

gg, nice life bro
good comment bro
gtfo. Id like to see u say gg after losing 7 maps in row and not cry about it like u always do after 5min of game has passed. So GG nice life mister :) ET needs more ipods imo.