vs greejtsjot (4885 views)

pl olas
pl Pius
de s1LENT
pl syriusZ
pl voiler
pl WuT
nl adeto
be Azur
be Buzzer
be rznje
be ViKO
be xAeee

CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013
Second League
Grand Final

be greejtsjot has to win twice!

First match:
Karsiah v56 2 - 0 archers
Radar v56 0 - 2 archers
Bremen v56 2 - 0 archers
Second match:
Goldrush v56 0 - 2 archers
Supply v56 2 - 0 archers
Bremen v56 2 - 0 archers
22.09.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Karsiah_te2

Total Pot: € 16555
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


most likely not avi at that time so you can remove my name :]
avi if needed
zglaszam gotowosc jak cos cpt.czarku!
so many things wrong with this gif idk where to start
Who gave kapot gta.. ffs lol
I've been trying to contact archers for a matchdate for almost two weeks now, zero response ever. And now it's forced when most of greejtsjot probably can't play... Great stuff! :P
Well, when can you play?
u can always use cb challange system ; DDD
Well ive pmd people from your lineup like 4/5 times and been in your IRC channel for days spamming it with anyone here.. CB challenge system is just annoying to use and its easier to talk about setting something up first, if ofcourse people actually reply to eachother..
We have no irc channel at all or it's something i don't know about. I use webchat from time to time. You could use cf site or smth and it's not an excuse. We don't play et at all, last time we have played together is our game against polarwolfs, cup is already delayed if we have enough players we can play will know about it later, if not we have still a wildcard. If I'm right u have used yours against us in first round so better start to collect your teammates, or just whine to uhurbad that he set time you can't play. And that's all I wanted to add. Sorry for my attitude but I'm tired to ask people all the time when they want or can play stupid 1 hour game. : (
it is polarbeers, not wolfs or bears! xd
polarwolfs much better : )
polarwolfs and eot
gtv and cb say your irc channel is, and that is set as your way to contact on CB aswell :X I dont blame you for not being active, i dont really care tbh. Just dont start being mad at me for you inactivity.. We would have been able to play like 8 days already but you guys are never around where you say you are.
syriusz do mycia ?!
You have € 566 on archers
Possible win: € 1075.4

izi wut
You have € 150 on pl archers
Possible win: € 280.5 go go archers
GTA V is released, who the fuck plays ET now?
- Voodoo + s1lent
are we gonna play tonight for sure or what?
i see the game is today so.. yea
very nice match tbh
okay can anybody tell me if i need any AC for dat game´? thanks hehe
no stream/radio for this awsome 2nd div final ?
wp v56
lekkr v56
Adeto's reaction to his new pocal:

Reallife gangster polaks saw us rolling:

<23:46:18> "ava": hätte s1lent der jude mal besser für uns gespielt, dann hätte er auch gewonnen :S

:d LoL wusste nicht dass das heute war
ale wstyd
bremen tryhards
You have € 122 on be v56
You won € 418.46
You have € 40 on v56
You won € 137.2
Azur:most likely not avi at that time so you can remove my name :]

Hähähähä, Azur u have nothing else to do in your life than playing et, u fucking lil baguette du fromage
Umyte :D!
gdzie ty siedzisz ;o
Londyn! Aktualnie Belgia :-)
isnt there any replay?