haxan vs pwners? (2076 views)

nl Trixor
nl kARMA
be r4pz
de sc0w
us NaZtY
nl iNsAne

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
20.09.13 23:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: TrixOr (Requestee)
Maps: Erdenberg_t1
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 62
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


trixor playing with rapz
gr0ss nice bunch of cheaters in your team, fug u!
Is this really a gross?
i think some people were wallhacking but, im sure
nonono nazty have always been this good bro
gr0ss carry so don't start with ur shit
Flame on
de scow faking de gr0ss? :)
Was wondering the sam actually
well he mustve took over whole gr0ss his cb account than. Or can supsended members also accept challenges?
I tho that was gross he's cool guy tho I didn't know he was a cheater
gr0ss doesn't play ET actively + that is scow's clan + scow is the one who created the challenge and entered the scores on CB

just because someone is "cool" doesn't mean they're clean
like I said ididnt know that was scow cuz insane ask me to merc
:DD wie schlecht
Last Login 20.06 23:28

nice playing while not on gtv, gr0ss

":D" :*
thought u can play offi without logging on GTV...gg brain XD

still i know it wasnt gr0ss but :D
thought the same, but

23.09.2013 22:01


Jeder der spielt is gtv