No Fear BEST TEAM eva vs HolenderskieTulipany (3088 views)

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CB ET 3on3 Ladder
01.10.13 19:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vudka (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 1122
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


You have € 10 on pl nF Cancel bet
Possible win: € 33.9
zeby nie bylo :XD
gl Nf
Look at all these known polaks who are playing 3o3
player to spec???
egotiZ for sure, solid aimer and strong objective player
ye man I think his team will win as its 6o3
òfc, they are playing it smart. You are more likely to win 6o3 than 3o3.
gl pazi
gl renifer i pazi
kurwa myslalem że to 6o6
gl zielak vudka pazi
Lamisz widze że znasz bardzo wpływowych ludzi
mecz roku !!!
who is this fucking polack fake me ? kick yr ass
lol there's tigers in Poland :O
better tho couldnt be worse
GG team no fear for taking fake players :)
You have € 555 on pl ht
You won € 865.8
You have € 20 on pl nF
You lost

Kurwa moje 300baniek
16 koła ładnie Tiger hahaah :D
You have € 10 on pl nF
You lost
to jest skandal i hanba, i jeszcze ujma!
no Tiger ladnie 17 k prawie
Nike zawsze wiedziałem, że jesteś niedojebem, ale żeby aż tak ? :D
hmm o co ci chodzi?
Zamiast zagrać normalne offi to fejkujesz ludzi w teamie ;-)
zagralbym jakbym nie mial bana
kaufJe kurwa jak mogles?!
tyle przegrac XD
Tiger aka Nike: 16906dmg

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