alliancze blue team vs low skilled (3931 views)

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fi antzi

CB ET 2on2 OC Fall 2013
Third League
Group A
07.10.13 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 2on2 OpenCup Fall 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: wenm (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
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Total Pot: € 7193
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


gl antzi!
danke jerr, mah m8! :=)
gl ali
get em lS ma boiz
antzi /!\
nmxz /!\
dunno where u get your info's, but I was never at tzac's banlist (I'm not 4nTi if it's that shit again), my father lives in Sweden so I've played while being there aswell.. Yes I changed my flag from Finland to Poland on cb as a joke and what about it? It's not prohibited afaik, or is it? And as you can see from my cb account the ban I got was from public server and it was a "trace of cheat", a file I had on my etmain folder :D Don't know why I keep telling you guys about this because it's obviously for freaking nothing xD and don't get anything from that info of nmxz being soossi either :( so gtfo already :D If you want to talk about tzac bans before it went off, I have something to discuss with you, but it's about the guys you're playing with xD
'Dunno where you get your info's'

Well its quite clearly from clanbase and,

'but i was never at tzac banlist'

yes, you were, and if tzac wasn't down i'd provide a link to that aswell, also the ban on your cb profile says nothing about it being on a public server (you wouldn't be CB banned for cheating on a public server), says you had eth32 on your pc though which most likely worked on tzac with cracked version considering you were shooting like med before your ban and now you're poke as hell.

'don't get anything from that info of nmxz being soossi either'

What don't you get, he owns both of those tzac accounts (same etpro guid) and even leku told me he knew nmxz was soossi, the guy has been caught cheating multiple times, most recently last year by tzac, so it's no surprise he is magically searching med+ when tzac is no longer working, probably using the same cheat that got him busted last year.

'about the guys you're playing with xD'

Who are you talking about? Xtream who didnt even play ET for 3 week before getting fakebanned, or base, whose ban was also proven to be fake aswell? If you mean Chilax, i don't play offi's/cup with this guy and i've made my position towards his wallhack pretty clear.

"yes, you were, and if tzac wasn't down i'd provide a link to that aswell, also the ban on your cb profile says nothing about it being on a public server (you wouldn't be CB banned for cheating on a public server) says you had eth32 on your pc though which most likely worked on tzac with cracked version considering you were shooting like med before your ban and now you're poke as hell."

what the fucking shit are you talking about? :D I've never been on tzac's banlist, but yes I was banned on clanbase for 3months because of that file on my etmain folder... Still I have to thank you for saying I was shooting like med before even though I have never used any hacks on etpro matches! :D

I know you don't play with Chilax, who would? that guy is retarded... But if you're saying I was banned on tzac, that's a lie.. It's the same thing as if I would say base's ban wasn't fake at all :)
" I have never used any hacks on etpro matches! :D"
Idd, so now he admits cheating at least, so all that denial with 'it was trace' 'etmain folder' was un-neccasery and deceptive.
And if you're right and you were banned for cheating on a public server, the only way CB would enforce that is if tzac detected you,
If you're lying and you cheated in a match (which i suspect since your profile says nothing about public server) then i wouldn't be surprised if you're still cheating.

Either way i've proved you're a liar & a cheater, so nobody wll believe a word you say from now on, lol.

gg antzi, hf.
when it says "cheating on a public server" does it really matter if I say file on etmain folder, or that I have never cheated on etpro matches to you? Anyways this shitload of text coming from you ain't even worth of a fucking tiniest inch of care, tbh. :D Maybe you should go and check every ETplayer that has cheated on a public server and "attack" them next? Start with phyzic for example.

But that's just it, show me where it says "cheating on a public server" on your C&A profile.
you can use your detective skills and search the pbban when it seems like you don't have anything better to do anyways :D not gonna waste more of my time with this kind of boring conversation. You've made up your mind and I don't see any reason for me to change it for you cuz just couldn't care any less what you're thinking about me.

I'll go reinstall my bot, got an offi this evening, cya.
He isn't retarded man :s
gl finboys
gl alli
omg gold omg .. 2o2 :DDD
Gl antzi
geeliä pojjaat
lu: antzi, silveri
kurz nechapu :-D vsak to je tutovka roku :-)
couldn't have played any better :XD
You have € 333 on eu lows
Possible win: € 606.06
kassadin/nmxz please?
nmxz is playing with leku and co afaik

E: and kassadin is no longer in our lineup
why, kassadin was the greatest cheater in ur pack :/
maybe that's why :o
You have € 270 on allicze
You won € 599.4

zase jeden zmanipulovanej zapas :D
You have € 250 on cz allicze
You won € 555

ty sklamak
You have € 456 on cz allicze
You won € 1012.32

ty, no nmxz no win.
You have € 1000 on cz allicze
You won € 2220
