meet your masters vs The Wrecked Commanders (3414 views)

fr KAZiM
fr sMiRZz
fr Nirv
fr Faks
nl C3ll4t

CB ET 3on3 OC Fall 2013
Second League
Group B
13.10.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Fall 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: kaziMmM (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
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Total Pot: € 3729
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl nirv faks mous
a l'anciennnnnnne
monkey + smirzz = meet the geeks ,altho gl faks m8
So clan should rename to: meet ur master
yep and u should rename to suck my ass
you play more than both of us combined
show me and i'll show all your matches that u already played in your life,u mad?
ye thats a bit normal that i played more matches than you when i started around 2005/2006 and you started in 2011 or so
anyways your life is way too awesome for us gym/pussies/alcohol all day right?
who is this yousef :XD
not all day, but daily, yes. lol
yousef ........
yousef 6:56 post 19:31 post again who is the geek plz get life ?
GL NIRV! And maybe mouss and nerd-smirzz aswell.
gl monkey and faks
gl kazimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
gooood luck faksiiii!
gl faks kurwa
hf NeverMore :)
gl Kazik Monkey sMz Faks kurwa elevato <3
Gl Faks
Gl faks, slake :D
mouss couldn't show up ;(