cat in a hat vs AntiClimax (2742 views)

fi hazz
nl Freddy
gb Greatjosh
ee Sinche
fi tOMBA
nl woott
nl WeZep
de shNz
nl GiZmOoO
be bltzZ
nl Excite
be Player

CB ET 6on6 OC Fall 2013
Second League
Group B
27.10.13 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Woott (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 4533
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


gl woot and josh
Thanks, you too tonight! :)
Gl woott&hazz:D
Is this match forced today?

If no , can it be played tommrow?
lineup: GiZmOoO, Excite, Wezep, bltzZ, Player, shNz
hf following the rules pieces of shit :XD
scared lowtards think there is still fame in ET, hf with your forfeit nerds
trying to respect rules means they want to win at all costs?
respect what rules? that they needed 2 mercs in a game where there are less than 30 active players? WOW THOSE RULES ARE SO HELPING THIS GAME RIGHT NOW!
Rules are there to be followed, if u cant follow it then i dont see a point in participating at first place, not to mention they had entire week to sort stuffs up.
I think you still don't get the point.
- We all got asked to play that match quite recently
- Not a single one of us cares about that cup, we just wanted to play a 6on6, because we gathered 6 players together
- All of us were on UAC, 4 of the people on our team had their UAC registered to CB
- Rest of them were clearly identifiable by their UAC ID's/names
- This shit would have been over much earlier, because we actually asked them whether they want the forfeit
- aClmx is anyways a dead team, everyone is playing normal IRC games or offis with their real teams.

Really asking myself, whether some people are qualified to be an admin on certain sites..
Then next time dont mix up with normal 6on6 IRC war and CB OC cups, like said above, i dont even see a single point of explaining myself, rules are there to be followed, simple as, we clearly stated before the season that UAC is mandatory, meaning everyone NEED to use it, not just to have some fun and play 6on6 ,for that u have ladder games and normal IRC wars, 3 of u guys were not on the CB roster, 2 of u were not having UAC ID's entered on their profiles and not to mention all the fuss about excite not willing to use UAC.

So yeh all in all, rather sort out stuffs at ur side before, then blaming CB for killing ET or preventing a game to be played.

QuoteReally asking myself, whether some people are qualified to be an admin on certain sites..

I could ask myself the same thing about certain group of ppl not being able to read and follow the rules.
Why is it that the players complaining about the rules are usually the ones not following them?

The only way a team is allowed to use a merc in a cup match is if their opponent agrees. It has always worked like this and always will. The team who wishes to use a merc should not automatically expect their opponent to agree; instead, they should view it as a request that their opponent can freely accept or reject. This is especially true when a team wishes to use several mercs, which seems to be the case here.

The match was forced for this date/time after Cat In a Hat challenged and received no response from AntiClimax. The first time anyone from AntiClimax even bothered to say anything was 46 minutes before the match - see juicy's comment above. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time doing favors for those who are too lazy to even check CB to schedule matches in the cup they signed up for.

Also, every single player in Cat In a Hat has their UAC User ID registered to their CB account, while in AntiClimax only GiZmO and WeZep have done so. Why should Cat In a Hat have to play versus a team of mercs when they are the ones who actually made the effort to prepare for the match in time?

I will assume that you do not actually believe there are less than 30 active players in this game and are instead simply saying so to help defend your friends and prove your point. Even if we only looked at the EC/OC Fall 2013 signups (ignoring players who didn't sign up, play on public servers only, or play a different ET mod besides ETPro), it is rather obvious that there are still at least 250 or so active players in ET.
tl;dr, go ban some polaks
I guess you didn't see the irony in his sentence, but well not much more to expect of a cb admin. We would have given them the forfeit anyways, we just wanted to play a normal 6on6 game, not a single one of us did care about that cup or that match in general
I didn't even bother reading tbh, that really is tl;dr and all pointless anyway
True, but in some way it was about me aswell, so I was sort of interested :D
In one tiny setence:

People playing the game but for some reason doing everything in their power not to play it at the same time.

Fuck logic
Looking at the comments, it seems like you guys do care quite a bit. Please tell your friends that it is simply illogical to mock a team for not wishing to play a game versus several mercs when, according to the rules, they do not have to do so. This "I don't even care" attitude that you're trying to display just makes you look rather silly.
We didn't care at all, we had a great time on teamspeak laughing about their seriousness. We didn't mock them to play against us, quite funny, that they wanted to play against us in a normal IRC game after they have received the forfeit (sad fucks). Let me explain it again for slower people, the lineup you see on top of the page, was a mix (just like et gather), so no1 had a relation to the team we played for, so why would we care? The funny thing is, that they took UAC more serious than us not being on the actual CB team (most of us)

E: Plus: CB was down for the majority of the time last week, so how should people, that have been informed late register their UAC ID to CB, what now sherlock? I mean they wouldn't have done it anyways, but what if they had wanted to? :D
So you thought that you could show up for an OC match with an et.gather-style mix of no one related to the team and everything would be just fine? It isn't about them being uber serious; it is about you guys (or the player who manages the team, whatever) not taking it even a little bit serious.

In response to your edit: Players have had over a month to register their UAC User ID. The fact that the website was down for a few days is not an excuse. Ask yourself how every other team managed to get their players to register their UAC User IDs in time if the website being down was such an issue.
I didn't consider the downtime as an excuse, and relating to your reply, i can assume that you haven't read my comment properly, or you being mentally handicapped, I was clearly talking about guys being lately informed. Seriously, i have been asked to play that match 20 minutes before the actual game time, well i had everything linked to my account, yet i wasn't on their team. That is the thing i was talking about the whole time, no1 of us was even a little bit serious (that is btw the opposite of your comment further up (just saying)), so we literally didn't care, whether we would receive a forfeit or not, since we have no relation to that team, we just wanted to play a match, that is why we were waiting on the server, they could have said to us, that the match won't take place and we would have left and gave them the forfeit, but they didn't come to a conclusion, so we sort of had to stay on the server, to wait for the admin's decision. After wards we went on IRC to search a game (was our plan the whole time)
I was not around during match time, so obviously I'm not aware of everything that happened on the server. My initial comment was simply in reply to jabwd's silly implication that the rule regarding mercs is not worth following due to the low activity level of ET nowadays.

I guess I'm just a bit confused why you're sitting here arguing with me if you don't care and have nothing to do with AntiClimax anyway.
Well first of all, you shouldn't participate in the conversation if you aren't aware of what has been going on. And i am sort of involved in the situation, because i was their merc and that is why i am having a discussion with you.
I don't think I need to be 100% aware of what happened in a match to post a comment on the match page. All I saw was Cat In a Hat being flamed for trying to make sure the rules are being followed.
Silly implication says the guy reading something that is not even there in the comment. You must be completely sane. Why are you even here talking about something you clearly don't understand and have no knowledge of?
Could you please explain your comment then?

Quote by jabwdrespect what rules? that they needed 2 mercs in a game where there are less than 30 active players? WOW THOSE RULES ARE SO HELPING THIS GAME RIGHT NOW!

edit: I have just been informed that you are nl Excite, so I guess that explains it!
*facepalm* you're special I guess
How is it that after all this text you still don't even understand anything of what has been said but just keep repeating your own retarded bullshit. You're the worst thing that ever happened to this community after the french..
And thats what u could do afterwards simply, my job was there to verify presence of every player and check if they have all the stuffs required for a game, after that it's none of my bussines if u play a normal IRC game against them, but the game for OC could not be played because of all the rules being broken by ur team's side.
You're the one that doesn't care about rule breaking unless it's something minor like mercs :x
Then u could simply do that by pming one of them on IRC and play onwards.
I guess so, but that wasn't my buisness, that shit should have been discussed before the match did start. It was more about the conversation being pointless (on the server). In general just a waste of time, they didn't come to a conclusion (you neither). So the conversation was pointless at the end, they could have made it alot shorter ("yes, we take the forfeit, bye.") easy as that.
I was pmed by hazz on IRC that half of ur team was without UAC ID's and not being on roster, checking all that informations takes a bit of time and i could not come with a straight answer in short period of time without checking everything first, after i checked everything i could simply answer u that the game for OC cannot be played but u could play a normal IRC ( fun ) game if they would agree.
well, they could have made it easier, by saying: we take the forfeit
lol nerds bitching like always