Keyboard Warriors vs phase (7922 views)
CF ET Winter Cup 2013
Upper Bracket Semi Final
Needs to be played by 10th November
UAC MatchID: cfcupc1
11.11.13 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | CF ET Winter Cup 2013 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | | |
Manager: | timbolina (Highadmin) | |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | Watch this Match now. |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 84
Viewer Peak: 84
Monday, 28th October 2013 19:21
+phyiz,jam,sqzz thats autofill we have 9 players
match of the year
sad but true
why was it moved from the 3rd to the 10th?
Was it just so i would miss the game or was there some other reason?
Was it just so i would miss the game or was there some other reason?
doesnt change the fact that it was scheduled for the 3rd and was moved back a week
its ok man i got ur back with -TWC|phyZiC
gl anim & -TWC|phyZiC
merci t'es bien gentil
easy man... relax...
sweet mother of jesus
would explain a lot
he meant this chick is mother of jesus... amazing god creation of perfect body
u made him upset now even more
"Needs to be played by 10th November"
Can play it whenever you guys want, just need to be played by the 10th.
Can play it whenever you guys want, just need to be played by the 10th.
doesnt change the fact that it was scheduled for the 3rd and then all of a sudden moved to the 10th without anyone contacting us.
If you scheduled it for the 3rd you could still have played it on the 3rd - contact Artstar if you schedule before next Sunday (the last day of a 2week schedule) and he will set the time and date for you.
Doesnt change the fact that it got moved out of the blue, just tell me who moved it and why?
Timbo did it, because he can.
He should move it to next monday then, because he can
I didn't reschedule it m8
Someone did cause it was up here for the 3rd. But since its supost to be played before the 11th can you move it back 1 hour so i atleast have a chance of making it home from work in time?
im fine with moving it to monday, I heard antho can't make it sunday either. Up to you guys
Ye ill pm timbo or artstar when i get home tonight
GL An7ho! :D
powi in EC, ET is dead
látod ilyen almákkal kell játszanom mostmár :/
this game would be so much better without UAC
explain me why
cuz they not payin 100% cuz of lag and fps drops ... DUH!!
with all the respect to players above but KW could have better lineup (and would if UAC was not there) + no lags for Clown and phyzic :D
so that everyone can play 400% like nazty
low pz
400% of 0 = 0 i think.
I feel bad for you sometimes :(
gl Clown ;)
GO AN7HO !! suceur de pantoufle
crackster sup<3
hf bN..u all
can be cool to play it at 21.30 cet
yo nerd, whats your final lu, i dont want to lose gbooky
again some jams or fajzik will play?
again some jams or fajzik will play?
[18:15] <razz> kazim instead of phyzic and hanS instead of Clown
better than
Still better than slovenia, bye.
where do you have to go? Internet time limit or?
hahahah u suck
easy for KW
go on xperia start whining already
he doesnt need to lose to start whining :)
was he raging on ts hard? tell me more about this
never heard any1 raging harder
more like laughing the whole game :D
yo bro , u got UACed hard what u think gg yokoo gg
well, UAC is fine for me, just my internet provider playing with my ping
yokoo how did you feel during game? Were there any major problems like lag because of uac and so on?
horrible ac
bringing it back, brb
FREE OJ !!!!!
wp ma nigga sqzz
no lamp no win