meet your masters vs Controlled Gaming (3947 views)

fr sMiRZz
fr k4ZiM
nl iNSane
us ipod
us bape
ca CrimZon

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
30.10.13 23:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: kaziMmM (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 404
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


You have € 50 on #CTRL.d
Possible win: € 108


gogo crimzon <3

kazim suce ma bite :D
You have € 68 on eu #CTRL.d
Possible win: € 163.2
nice obvious shit
[18:51] <kazim> u never win
[18:52] <kazim> agaisnt just today with hax
[18:52] <kazim> gg
[18:52] <ipod> i said u play really good wtf
[18:52] <ipod> i didnt hack rofl
[18:52] <kazim> dunno if u play without wh wp
niggers getting rolled today and they cry about hacks, nothing new
white nerds being cocky and racist online when they prolly dont go out by fear of getting mugged
You don't even know what skin color I am, Besides, the only nerd being cocky here was kazim for thinking ipod would lose from the very beginning
owned by bape lol
gg ipod mate
gg ipod

bye kazim
newschooler accusing other that they r hacking just cuz they r better made me smile :)
Specula im playing since 2005 with break u never heart me so im new who are u ? Its possible to play without gtv ? but nice we got the new anti cheat specula he know all u know who hack who is new just question u know who is deep , zig , zenk gr3g and others probably no but they playing since ET start and rly better of u and if they want com back u gonna say new players too? U just totaly kid or u god xD and about ipod i have playing some offi and normal game against him to saying yesterday he was obvious and some legend of ET got busted old school players so now just shut up eat shit !
well said
that gave me cancer :(
"u never heart me so im new who are u"
that gave me cancer :(
and this happens when french ppl start speaking english...
You wanna deal with me bro :D?
and this happens when retard* ppl start speaking english

german ppl arent better lol.
Ye true, german ppl speak english as bad as french ppl... We just got this as a main language in our schools, u frog.. French ppl give a shit bout other languages... They only know french.. True Story
why should we give a fuck? we are living in france , we speak french, thats all.

gave me words cancer, its like random words put together with nonsense. thx for explaining your feelings.
"he know all u know who hack who is new just question u know who is deep"

that's deep man ...
I need an eye transplantation