cdap-Black vs Invitium#force'gaming (5298 views)

ru rivz
ru officer
ru 4live
ru Tempestt
ru vessar
ru Joke
ru fabuloz
pl v0iler
pl Turki
lt Rodia
pl riseje
pl michat
pl hillas or saqu
19.03.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: 4live (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 18451
The bets have been cancelled.

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No Servers yet


1st :D gl invitium
gl rodia, voiler, turki, michat aka machajacy celownik <3 :-)
Invitium @ Force'Gaming

pl v0iler
pl Turki
lt Rodia
pl riseje
pl michat
pl hillas or saqu
<3 de rize
gl saqu & rise <3 !

play ettv go pro
oh em gee ! how teh fock do i post a picture? :x
no 4live = win
thx for money
gl to the polaks :*
cdap lineup:
pl Tempestt
ru vessar
ru Joke
de fabuloz
ru rivz
ru officer
o really?i didnt know
izi for rize
gl saqu
kto Tempestt?
Invitium - polish noname team..
On european scene maybe yes.. :) but its something wrong? ;]. We play many games last days to be more known so np. :]
I think this game will be pl polish!
gl voiler
eazy 4 invitium
gl cdap
Quote by Speedy Bozarpolish hackers

Bozar you said that coz we kick your Dsky ass?. Be like rest.... many of them value us... you can do this too. Regards
polska kurwa! sosi chuj ujobok i idi na chuj! PIDAR!
gl Turki and michat ;]
too easy for invitium HF turki michat rodia voiler and hillas GL tmp fabuloz and joke
easy for Tempest !! cdap 4:0 :P
cdap :>
Invitium will win :)
93 euro na Invitium, dawac chlopaki !!!
aaaa pamieta ktos mnie xDDD? GL invi
polaks wont play , great attitude.
we don't have team and cdap|4live won't reschulde match it will be cancel on ettv hf : )
they want 23cet LOL
ohh my fucking god!