Ninjas in Pyjamas vs VeryGames (4564 views)

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Semi final
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Game: csgo Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League: ESWC 2013
Manager: Gero (Requestee)
Maps: De_cache

Total Pot: € 0
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
ESWC Stream CS:GO 1
By: Gero
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English
ESWC Stream CS:GO 1
By: Gero
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: French

Viewer Peak: unknown


yes, that is this NiP, too bad it is only for macdonalds sweden :P
although its very strange they have a meal named by a counterstrike team haha
when a country is shit at sports they are represented by e-Sports like in Sweden, in Poland guys like kot and wiesiek are national heroes, their day of birth is a national holiday
Sweden shit at sports?:D Ok Cricket faggot
ye cricket is a sport

and if ur xcalling me the 'cricket faggot' im not english im from Paris, where ur only national athlete came to play cuz Sweden football is so shit
What the fuck? u from france?? loool xDd
Well that just make you gay doesnt it LOL, anyways im fucking ownage waddup nigger? come at mi u fucking france faggot, go make your fucking baguettee LOOOOOL, cuuuuu

add me on snapchat: weslann
wow u so mad u wanna send me dick shots i feel sorry now
I heard it was a contest from macdonals not a sponsoring, someone won the contest and named it MacNiP.
some1 won the "my burger" event and just called the burger mcnip, nothing strange there
thats not true at all :D
u dont know the facts haha
fuchs told me that few days ago :S
It is actually very fucking true mate loooolllllllllasdlasd im oasodwhat++++?????
[3rd] NC nigger mad+++ see you at pluto mate im drunk cu tehre XD