ANIMATIONS vs girls.rawrr (5680 views)

pl vudka
pl lewyboy
pl mAke
pl darquel
nl kaufje
pl OZIoski
pl chickita
ro nebu
gb deryn
pl palemki
pl stokkie
pt punky

CB ET 6on6 Ladder
04.11.13 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vudka (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 7263
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


hf ja
gl punky, deryn, nebu and STOKKIE!!!
Martijn xDDDD Dankje xoxo
sup mottAus bruv its been 1337 years !
You can't post multiple comments this fast. ofc i can nerdo
hf girls if u win this palemki has to show titties
You have € 595 on eu rawrr
Possible win: € 1118.6
gl derynn <3 :D and others girls !
gl kobitki
gl rawrr
__*_____ *__ GOOD LUCK CHICKITA__*_____*__
___*___*___ ----------------------------___*___*___

<3 Good luck deryn <3
<3 Powodzenia stokkie, palemki <3
<3 Boa sorte punky <3
<3 Noroc nebu <3

hahaah jlavai dja fai jle juste kopier koler FDS :XD
non mais comment long la premiere fois que tu la fais XD
bof che po environ 5 min pcq jlai pri su un site
gl deryn <3
hehe chickita i stokkie Gl girls :D
gl deryn

pl vudka
pl lewyboy
pl mAke
pl darquel
nl kaufje

l2p bitches :D
Palemki has to get "most patient gamer" award. How he can handle 5 bitches on teamspeak is very impressive.
yes its so funny, dig harder
oh you
I think he is enjoying his time with us, pretty fun tbh. What about you? Enjoying your time with your Great job :)?
palemki is fun to play with!!!11
Haha, just the other day I saw they didn't let a female gamer play because she doesn't meet the skill requirements, if palemki didn't aim like he did he would have no chance in that team either
maybe so but he's still really fun to play with. :D I don't recall playing any offis with him but the PL girls here (chickita, stokkie) have played with palemki for years now same as me. he's fun @ TS as well as being skilled so!
Yeah but you can't call any team a girls only team with 1 guy :P no matter how much logic they put into that, nothing will make it a girls only team with 1 guy
palemiusz tucks his penis between his legs before playing :s
He actually hides it in my mouth before playing.
even he shot @ low+ level he's still more fun and more skilled than female gamer
I know palemki for many years, he also played with (polish girls team). It's not like we picked a random guy to play as our 6th. After luna left, we needed someone immediately. I won't say skill isn't important because it is. I am playing almost 4 years and this is THE FIRST time that this team works well without any problems so far. The idea of only girls team failed when it came to praccs. Believe me it is so fucking hard to get all 6 girls playing two days per week. I have only 18 ET girls in my team, we can only choose from the most active players and I am still looking for more. IT IS REALLY NOT SO EASY.
hes a pretty laid back guy
Phyzic mad he want play with girls too :)
he already played a few times with you :XD
only big ping crono :p
gl stokkie and chickita :)
izibash for nC customer!
gl punky
hf girls ;)
Why bother with this?
Simple, you're nice and funny to play with & against, same with palemki.
gl ladies & palemki!
You have € 35 on eu ANIME
Possible win: € 301.35
gl anime and rawrr :)
gl marta <3
gl girls <3
gl hoes <3
goooooooood game! rematch soon!
this! and no reactor!!
we will figure some other map, dont worry :D
minas tirith xddddddd
HAHAHHAHAHHA btw .This is nice map :D
You have € 250 on eu ANIME
You won € 1447.5

dzięki lewy, vudka życiówka z 3,5k na 2 mapy
You have € 20 on ANIME
You won € 115.8

GG :)
lat da fak ?:D
You have € 16 on eu ANIME
You won € 92.64
You have € 1000 on eu rawrr
You lost

gg kaufje