Finland vs Belgium (7371 views)

20.03.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Nationscup XI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Bartichello (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 21579
The bets have been cancelled.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl belg
go go belgium ! :o
why belgium always have to play vs laggers? :x
why are you so dumb?
fu, we arent laggers! one of best internet connections @ world so just su :)
Go belgium , you proved you can pwn laggers!
BE FTW! <3
gaan belgie :D
Bet on those fucking unhitabble laggers 3 hs/kill fin players.
Funny, laughed my ass off.
izi bash 4 finland
go Finland
izi 4 finland.
this is gonna be to finland like walking into park
is lio going to play or is he banned ?
still banned, don't know what's the case with him tho if he has a chance to get unbanned or not
Lepari vs mAus:P
go fin
interesting match, gl both :o)
true...remember NC X?
Yes, I do :P Thats why I wrote this comment
btw who is the enemy @ final?
de Germany or lv Latvia
how did latvia get so far :o ?
Won group B and no. And they left ee to 2nd place in group stage. :)
imo be :) gl botch
lio will be unbanned ;) fin is strong.. but belgium is to , belgium can win this imo :) if the lineup would be:

be would bash them ;p
only half of your team isn't playing but for the rest gg
ye i know thats why i said IF the lineup would be ;)
he means theyre not praccing and therefore would suck big time :)
well last season (NC X) Belgium almost had that lineup and still they lost ;)

(Shewie, mesq, mAx, mAus, lio and zeto was their lineup on the final)
lotto is evil
you had a bit of luck on adler ;<
you lost too :D
that was just a tactical decision during the group stage!
and that's why you went like : OMG NOT AGAIN WE LOST VS THE (ALMIGHTY) BELGIANS!
lepari with impossible doc run !
Can you stfu already? we got into the semi finals with our lineup , what's the use of fucking asking everytime if max ,shewie or ganon plays ,we are just as good , die in hell or support finland
kweet wel :) kwou u ni vies maken ofzo , de lineup die ik daar schreef is gwn mijn persoonlijke favo lineup voor team be..
kheb toch ni gezegd dat het huidige team be slecht is? :D integendeel dees is idd ook zeer goed en ik geloof ook da gelle kunt winnen^^

toont die finnen is dawe ni alleen goe kunnen zuipe maar ook pwne op ET^^
Eerst zeg je "belgium can win this imo :) if the lineup would be:" en dan is het opeens alleen je favo lineup?
kweet wa ge denkt
kwil ook bier
ik hou niet zo van bier
kerel.. ik zei eerst: "belgium can win this imo :)" en hier eindigd dat deel van de zin. dan zei ik:
" if the lineup would be:
be would bash them ;p "

en die 2 hangen niet aan elkaar.. wat ik bedoelde was dus dat belgie dit kan winnen, en als ze de lineup zouden hebben die ik gaf dat ze fin wss hard zouden bashen.

denk eens na plox plox plox.
Ik dacht erover na hoor, t was alleen n beetje onduidelijk xd
k^^ hopelijk is het nu wel duidelijk :)

muff1n is a focking pro ! He would bash whole finland & belgium together imo !
asdasd true asdasd
go villango
but they are really good :/
yeah but my money on fin
Line up Fin??? <3!!!
15 euros on Be cuz it's my country
15 euros on Be coz i can make more money
nice match...and close one imo!!!
Bel ofc >:D GL mAx <3
cuz max is playing? :)
mAx playing?:ooo
i guess he won't
bad for belgia, good for finland;>
he is not playing anymore for 6 months...
And he played sucky at the last WC
oh didnt know he sux @ wc
he was under actual player like vila / acid / lio etc...
gl finland!
"when will the bleeding stop, for mAx..."
easy for VaE
Lineups ?
need Lineups
omg omg watchout for raskl XDXDXD
need better bets, who gets kicked, 5euros on squall getting kicked!
FIN will win again in last seconds:
<3 FI
Izi Belgium be
easy 4 mAx
so this is the game where nC will fulfill their promises?
sure, also the moment where we decide how we will beat you up when you ever show up at a lan <3
won't be known until just before the game
HF Lepari =)
too bad it's not gonna be played then
mhm.. ? I thought you need our agreement for rescheduling also and I haven't heard about any new date atleast
we forfeit the game
why? :l
lio can't play and some others are playing EC qualifier and furthermore cauz we don't want to play as long as lio is banned.

Could've been a fun match

Maybe we could play if we reshed it for next week and see if lio is unbanned but..
anyway vila why lio is banned ?
because he cheated (they claim it was a bug, nothing proven yet)
u cant be serious-.-
I lol'd.
fin win




nah , your just an attentionwhore
this match will not be played or will be reshed... so resh your apocalypse ^^
gl squalliii & iron <3
fin lineup? :J
just take chizz6l
Belgium wont play cos a cheater is not allowed to play :XD
Die and when you decide to reborn ask for more brains .
cheaterfriend cheaterfriend cheaterfriend
cheaterfriend cheaterfriend cheaterfriend
maar goed dat die kanker cheater gebanned is


lio is toch niks zonder zijn cheats, clanbase heeft tenminste de goede beslissing genomen dit keer

domme fags stfu and die pls kthxbai!

btw: lio word unbanned :) donex is de grootste grap in heel clanbase gg voor hem! BB

cheaters verdedigen? kom nou
ik heb vre fier gelachen om den donex
wie zegt dat hij cheat dn?.. door domme pb bug gg hoor..
reason gamehack.. komop >.<
shoutcasters needed :s
k et is dead
not, btw Fin lineup?
BE gl next year busting PB
still waiting for the gamehack kicks =D