Happy Tree Friends vs c0nsortium (3272 views)

bg Z
be r4pz
be aNGER
fr Kiojizh
fr Clefairy
fr JigglyPuff

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
11.11.13 15:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: dnbradio (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 808
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Enemy Territory TV

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Viewer Peak: 4


de rest is low he ;$
Don't blame them, they start the competition..
I'm not blaming them, and yea nice to see that pple still start playing competition ;)
We had fun, then it was a nice match thanks for game and fair play :)
fair play and haxor... :=)
This is probably the reason of your deny @ the democrew

You r suspecting everyone of cheating
Paranoid fuck xD
hm when i remember correct r4pz got busted in 2010 and Z was busted too...http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3432684&suspend=1

yea accusing everyone without any proofs...
You take this game too seriously, ofc there are dozens of cheaters atm cause of no anticheat, but Z and r4pz are not 2 of them, go after the fucking obvious retards if you wanna bust people, not clean decent players. Just because you are low/+ and get rolled on 90% of wars doesn't make every oppo you play against cheaters, it makes you fucking shit at a dying game xD
i just wanna have fun while playing and not get destroyed by fucking haxors... nice excuse to tolerate haxors... oh game is nearly dead so its ok to cheat

Man you take everything out of context, where did i say it's ok to cheat when the game is nearly dead? i said you are shit at a nearly dead game, not the same thing. If you don't want to play vs someone, don't, unless you have proof (real proof, not your memory and from this decade) restrain yourself and stop making yourself look like a retard by accusing everyone who beats you ffs. I don't tolerate hackers but i tolerate the fact that there will be hackers if there is no anticheat preventing them from playing with any old piece of shit that google digs up.
Iam wasting my time with ya so I make it short

you are wrong with all your posts, and therefore the ultimate retard.
sorry played rapz few days ago and he was obvious wh user
the obvious ones like fatcat and ipod
nice walls fat
nice walls equanimity
nice walls ipod
[18:21] ipod: i'm a fat fucking loser whose wife gets boned by black dudes everyday leaving me with sloppy seconds.

We can both produce fake logs, but at least mine is actually true xD
nothing fake about accusing us of wallhack
wife ? hes like max 20 lmao
weakest fake ever.
r u really denying that u accused me for hacks?
at least dont be so pathetic man
ok letting banned players play is obviously ok :S

Cheat type Adding a suspended player
read my post again :S
I did : ''Z was busted too''...http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3432684&suspend=1

Z was not busted, therefore you are retarded :)
retarded cause i didnt check the 1000 Cheat Profiles on Clanbase?

just saw 10000 of suspended players in 1 of his team and ye he must be clean...
If you expect people to click your link and see proof of a cheater, you better have read it correctly yourself first, thats just common sense. Nobody is asking you to check 1000 cheat profiles, just make sure you check the 1 that you are posting, and just because there are cheaters in a team doesnt make every player in that team a cheater, by that logic, half of the teams in OC/EC/NC would be suspended for having a cheater on their CB page at some point.
that nothing new..
Just stop spam this match page .. I know Z good enough, for different reasons to know he hasn't cheat.. So plz just stop it ;).
cheaterlovers are ok in that game... my bad :S
I laughed hard @ ur comments rly... i got suspended for adding drovage who is banned for cheating few years ago..
don't see how that makes me a cheater
and ye, i got few retards that got busted , that's their problem, they r retarded for using cheats
once again I don't see how that makes me a cheater :D
for example if you go out with ur friends and they all smoke,you don't . Do you start smoking also?
90% of people will start.
like i wrote i didnt checked all the Cheaterprfils but i saw in 1Team (your Team) 6-7 Suspended Players thats seems normal for you guys and that only in 1 Team.. there are nearly more haxors in that team than allowed players..
chaos, long time ago, those players are not playing anymore and are not in 'deDuivenMelkers' / HTF
irrelevant info.

have a nice eve
I think NaZtY is cheating obvious, do your job Kitt please
i never played against that cheating bitch... and Admins already watched his replay :S