girls.rawrr vs bromates (9793 views)

20.11.13 21:30 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Sw_goldrush_te | |
Missile_b3 | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 28
Viewer Peak: 28

gl girls (yes palemki, u 2) and bobiiiiiik!
gl shoereck
fucking nerds xd
Gonna roll you :)
I would even let you do that<3
hahah nerds xd
stop trying so hard bobicwel
stop trying so hard bobicwel
I just went fullpolak xd

pourkoi :[
pcke je joue
EDIT: et toi aussi! dream-team!
EDIT: et toi aussi! dream-team!
et moi alors bande de pute negros? jvous brisent les chevilles
bros before hoes tu nous laches pr des gonz :(
Surtout lorsque je dit que pour séduire les grands fortuné, deux belles femmes jumellée avec la poudre pour le nez, j'comprend s'que j'veut dire.
Raconte leur ce qui s'passe ici, car ils croient que c'est de la gaminerie!
Raconte leur ce qui s'passe ici, car ils croient que c'est de la gaminerie!
BROFFECT copys??? get creative homos
Are you ret... why would do I even ask...
Am i retro? would do i? 14?
Why are you still typing it if apparently you know there is no point in asking?:X
oh you
avi to roll sum nubs
pm me on irc tomorrow bitch
gl girls :)
avi nooby? :D
oh gl bobika mate :D hah ( come on cf :P )
gl girls
gl derynn and rawrr
izi deryn
Gl TeSLa et deryyn ! :)
gl deryn and chickita <3
gl därin
tak me tam napis uz bobe :DD .. :)
gl bromates
yeah easy bash :XD
helping deryn out greatly gav, that support
fucking nerds
gl hf ola, deryn :D
omg gl girls :P
push it back to 20:30 CET
I told her to push back too.
she's 47 and has a missing leg
I twill be delayed cause chicki cant play or smth
go punky carry your team to victory
u should shoutcast this! xD
lol yeah:D
elle a raison la zouz, shoutcast ce match, j'aurai des actions de batard
ah mais parce que toi aussi tu joues renoi? Laisse moi appeler jean michel larqué et on s'ramene sur l'internet
ouais ramene thierry roland aussi, mais on va pas jouer demain
hf ladies.
Gl Sklamča a Klobby :)
Thanks :-)
gl klobby ;-) sklame taky taky :)
Thanks :-)
super aktiv blup blup

fokin dreamteam, shoutout to my real brother from another mother martijN♥
gl stokkie, punky, nebu and deryn!!
thank you \o
gl jarek i jeweee!
come on girls u can do it!!
Gl Deryn :)
gl deryyn, pm me if u need some help ;))
gl deryyn, pm me if u need some help ;))
gl neb :)
gl crono ^^
No chickita no win, even if crono plays soldier smg
awwwww thanks :D he will play rifle instead of me so watch out for backstab :D
better stab him 1st before he does now that i know hes polak
there goes my spot on the team :p
real tryhards xdd
gl klobby and sklamak kurwa wygrajcie
lol @ people thinking crono can beat faks.
nice vagina crono lol
crono cwel
Robert pédéraste
GL marta <3
Ola robi za menedzera :D
gl girls xD
gl girls xD
akurat grac jutro nie moge, tak wyszlo :<
when i saw faks in lineup I just got eyeballs blured and coudn't see anything anymore. I think I have got an eyeball cancer in 3rd stage
gl jeewee :D
gl jeewee :D


Is this Robin?
post some porn of her plox
will see
lol this guy
go back to sleep man
what you talking about, i just got back from the gym :<
same here
btw. inb4 bb team :D
hahaah! bb forever!
bb on sum drunken monkey kong fu shit confusin the enemy n then smashin them in the next round
bb undefeated best pub team 2k13 we da best
BigBalls PUB TEAM FTW <3
Rolling tryhards like aNGER since 1992
Rolling tryhards like aNGER since 1992
I asked you 5days ago and you said you couldnt make it.. phun kurwa big mac ja pierdole b1GB4LLs!!!!!!!
i still cant make it so np
shut up

come to ettv server where upload is playing
chickita ten crono podkreci jak ostatnio bo nie wiem jak postawic
GL szczurek
gl klobby
avi to roll some tryhards
not really real brom8
gl dezz nebu
gl deryn izi win4u
klobby :* :D
bash me hard nebu <3
might be the rifle tonight. so tks incoming :D
I will always come to you and let you kill me (:
knife only :)
whatever you ask <3
nebu i think bobi wants the P
brb, laughing hard
puuuu :D
google translate it from czech :)
google translate it from czech :)
take a wild guess
gg :)
spec me on replay i was trying so hard
[22:29] <punky> no stats on gtv? :O
tryhard speaking
tryhard speaking
lol fake logs :S
[22:30] <punky> cmn remove ur gtv comment..
You have 10 on eu brom8
You won 18.9
You won 18.9
14k dmg i kill you all my girls :*** :-)))))))) CZECH POWER!!! :D:))
You have 951 on eu rawrr
You lost
You lost
yes crono cwel, yes loss
oops, it was tonight? xD
not funnyh ;x
we will replay it just for you
My hearts are now available only for nebu, tatínku :(
hey, jo sem twoj tatínek!