deDuivenMelkers vs craze (4834 views)

be r4pz
be aNGER
bg Z
hu jerK
nl base
nl Kane
fi Wrath
de Ava
de Joka
de Kitt
at DonMatthias
tr symbol

CB ET 6on6 OC Fall 2013
Third League
Group A
18.11.13 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Constan (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 8086
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 20


gl nerds (especially base) :D
- Kenji
+ Joka
gl Joka bro :)
gl sym
GL Duiven Melkers!
glhf bois
gl don + Z
Mee eens...
chizzle ik weet dat je me wil, paardenlul
heb je nu al je sjaal gekregen met 'HOP HOP aNGER AAN DE TOP' erop die je had besteld? xxx
Ik heb die sjaal ondertussen verbrand :(
gl joka:)
Thanks but Kenji is here and he will play :D
Good luck guys and have fun

1) kane why u left u got time to play ..
2)craze won
was way too izi -.-
still a good game from r4pz at least :)
:P wp, nice teamplay there in goldrush
agree rapz was the only mature guy in this team
it says a lot about the rest of the team...
gg rapz, u won the mature award in a videogame xD
and u lost it in a video game
thats even sader say what? :D
and nice english btw, it's sadder, maybe take your books instead of your mouse in your hands.
wow 6o6 only quotes :XD let's watch the 3o3's... oh wait XD
Or should I get my quotes about you accusing me of wh? hu3 hu3 hu3 :-)
de andyF1 GTVd oD 15
started by de Kitt 11m ago. dM eu vs eu craze
et Today 21:00

nice life, make some demos, you can't trust UAC nowadays XD
m8, want to play 3o3 with u soon :D
i guess ull just have to try harder next time
You have € 122 on eu craze
Possible win: € 204.96
u can aim better @ 3on3?
doubt that
why don't you try 3o3? rifle-only guy talking about aim :P
im rifle only?
he actually played 3on3 with me :o).
So u're not a teamplayer?
so u dont need aim @ 6on6?
cool shit
"no clue where to go or what to do"

thought u know the map
my fault sry
your behaviour was rly immature .... so yes
Oh my, that behaviour. Someone introduced the game to the kids at the kindergarten?
You have € 2000 on eu craze
You won € 3360

think few guys are mad
love it
Best entertainment here. They're mad cause they lost a 6o6 match and try to explain why they lost. Especially the part where they try to explain that they are better in 3o3 then in 6o6. Just amazing that shit :)
wp craze, immature tho, started with kicking me, ends with screaming how izi it was

GL in other matches
Omfg, nice wh Kitt :d:d:d:d:d:d
thanks mate.. nice from chilax and co to share it...